VulcanVerse Takes NFTs to Next Level With Amazing Graphics, Gameplay and Lore

VulcanVerse Takes NFTs to Next Level With Amazing Graphics, Gameplay and Lore

THELOGICALINDIAN - The NFT industry has been exploding afresh with all types of artists sports brands and gaming companies abutting the affair As a aftereffect the top 100 NFT tokens by bazaar cap are now account able-bodied over 7 billion However abounding of the options in the articulation action simplistic bold mechanics and a rather bank acquaintance VulcanVerse shows how an NFT based bold should be done with amazing cartoon absorbing gameplay a playtoearn abridgement and a affluent belief backed by able authors

Enter the VulcanVerse for Next Level NFT Gaming

VulcanVerse is an AAA fantasy decentralized cosmos that bridges the gap amid accustomed blockchain head amateur to MMO (massively multiplayer online) bold functionality. It offers circuitous architecture accoutrement as able-bodied as fight, beat and spy mechanics anchored into the bold world. VulcanVerse encompasses a 3km by 3km basic ambiance set in a Greco-Roman fantasy theme.

The bold is developed by Vulcan Forged, a multi-dApp platform, bold studio, launchpad and a top aggregate NFT exchange with added than 12,000 users and over $6 actor in NFT trading volume. The aggregation prides itself on removing gas and crypto for bold developers application its belvedere and offers abutment to any third-party with a simple abstraction absent to about-face it into reality. Vulcan Forged has an astronomic association of gamers, developers and streamers.

Last year it was appear that the affluent adventure and belief of the VulcanVerse cosmos is backed by the professional authors of Fabled Lands, Fighting Fantasy and Way of the Tiger. These artists accompany their affluent acquaintance in autograph accepted role-playing and choose-your-own-adventure gamebooks to actualize a alluring cosmos like no added in the blockchain bold market.

Tokens, Play-to-Earn Economy and DeFi Elements

Many accepted amateur these canicule are based on the pay-to-win or freemium business models that are advised to accomplish gamers decay as abundant money as possible. In aciculate contrast, VulcanVerse uses blockchain technology, NFTs and DeFi elements to empower its gamers to absolutely acquire as they comedy and actualize in the basic environment. For example, users can create their own quests for others to adore and appropriately acquire rewards.

In January 2021, Vulcan Forged and Matic accept appear a cross-chain affiliation to launch their ecosystem-wide badge PYR. The badge will be acclimated in fee settlement, staking, defi bold launchpads, play-to-earn benefits, gaming belvedere pools and discounted exchange usage. PYR is a deflationary token, area on every PYR transaction, 10% will be beatific to accolade pools, and 5% acclimated to buy-back and lock supply. PYR tokens can be acclimated as a lock up badge to pale and acquire aural the gaming ecosystem.

To apprentice added about the bold and accompany the fun appointment

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