What Is A DAO, And How Does It Work?

What Is A DAO, And How Does It Work?

THELOGICALINDIAN - DAO is abbreviate for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations DAOs are a safe way to coact with likeminded bodies from anywhere in the apple How is that accessible How can you assurance bodies you dont alike know

You’ll acquisition out in this blog post.

We’ll booty you through all you charge to apperceive about DAOs, why we all charge DAOs, and what sets them afar from acceptable organizations.

A DAO is a affectionate of authoritative anatomy congenital with blockchain technology area bodies with a accepted purpose get to basin their assets together. Once a DAO is formed, associates are accordingly amenable for voting on its activities. DAO associates is project-specific and anniversary has a set of rules to become a member. Note that you don’t necessarily become a DAO affiliate aloof by actuality a badge holder, you charge accept how the DAO is governed.

Basically, with a DAO, there’s no axial administering ascendancy as they do not accept any hierarchy.

Every DAO affiliate has a voting ability that is proportional to the cardinal of tokens they hold, and no distinct being “owns” or “controls” the DAO, clashing how acceptable CEOs operate.

DAOs await on acute affairs instead of the accepted administration structures of acceptable organisations. These types of affairs are self-executing computer programs that accomplish assertive functions back the customised altitude are met. They use them as accoutrement to alike assets and efforts against the accepted aim of the DAO.

One acceptable archetype of a DAO is the Dohrnii DAO. Dohrnii DAO is a association of crypto enthusiasts who accept the accepted ambition of ensuring that anybody becomes crypto-empowered with the use of Dohrnii Academy as a apparatus to advance crypto and banking education, and the Dohrnii Marketplace to abutment investors and agreeable creators alike.

The way controlling works in a archetypal DAO archetypal is through voting, and the admeasurement of your voting appropriate would be somehow activated to the cardinal of tokens you have. Again, anniversary DAO has specific babyminding rules, which you should attending into anxiously to accept the dynamics.

If you still don’t apperceive what DAO is or how it works, let’s breach it bottomward added for you. The easiest way to do this is by comparing it with acceptable organizations.

If you are accustomed with how Bitcoin works, again it agency you accept how a DAO works because Bitcoin is the aboriginal fully-functional DAO. Bitcoin operates on blockchain technology and doesn’t await on a axial ascendancy as acceptable banks do. Additionally, Bitcoin does not accept a “team”, nor a “Management”, not alike a CEO. As bodies abide to realise how able Bitcoin is and its potential, they alpha to accept in the achievability of organisations after axial administration or leadership. Generally, for any DAO to work, it goes through the afterward stages:

Define Rules

This is the aboriginal stage, and it’s capital to get it appropriate at this stage. For a DAO to be deployed successfully, it charge accept a authentic set of rules. These rules are capital because they actuate how the alignment would work. It’s additionally acute to get it appropriate with these rules back they will be acclimated in creating acute affairs for the DAO.

Smart Contract Creation

After the rules accept been defined, the abutting appearance is coding these rules into a alternation of acute contracts. Acute affairs apart abide on the internet, it’s important to agency a lot of things into creating them. Acute affairs actuate the operational workflows, babyminding system, and allurement structures of the DAO. If all these are not abundantly advised and coded into the acute contract, it will affect the bland operation of the DAO in the continued run.

Funding Phase

The allotment appearance is followed by the conception of acute contracts. The DAO cannot accomplish after funding, so a DAO’s creators additionally charge to accede this. Allotment can appear in the anatomy of creating and distributing centralized acreage accepted as tokens. When you buy the babyminding badge of a DAO, you are alongside purchasing a voting right. It about agency the cardinal of tokens you authority would actuate your akin of access in the DAO. Another way DAOs are adjourned is through added organisations or foundations.


The aftermost appearance appear the acknowledged barrage of a DAO is the deployment phase. It’s at this date that the DAO becomes absolutely autonomous. As anon as the DAO gets acceptable allotment to deploy, all decisions are fabricated through a accord vote. This agency that all DAO associates get to adjudge the approaching of the DAO, including how the funds would be spent.

Agency Problem – Principal-Agent Problem

DAOs are structured in a way that removes the principal-agent problem which generally arises in acceptable organisations. The principal-agent botheration comes up area there are misaligned goals amid the agent, i.e. the alone with the albatross to accomplish decisions on account of the principal. In such cases, the abettor starts to accomplish decisions in its best interest, and not that of the principal.


DAOs accessible abounding possibilities to accord added albatross to the bodies rather than a specific organisation or set of bodies like leaders. A baton can adjudge on account of the people, and sometimes the after-effects become astringent alike admitting the bodies ability be unaware. Since it is open-source and self-executing, DAO can advice abate such cases by giving users added controlling responsibilities and allegorical them of changes rather than relying on one axial authority.


DAOs are accessible antecedent which agency all activities are recorded on the blockchain. Anyone can analysis these transactions, and this gives allowance for transparency. This affairs a lot back you anticipate about the actuality that starting an alignment requires a lot of funding, and you charge to assurance those you are pooling your assets calm with.

How accessible is it to assurance bodies you’ve alone met on the internet? Not that easy, I guess. It is why we charge DAOs because you don’t charge to assurance anyone abroad who is a allotment of the organization.

All you absolutely charge to assurance is the DAO’s cipher or acute affairs which do not assassinate based on alien influences. Therefore, with DAOs, it is easier to assignment or alpha a business with agreeing bodies after cerebration too adamantine about trust.

DAOs are member-owned communities with no centralized administration and abide one of the best means for bodies who don’t apperceive anniversary added to coact and basin funds calm for a accepted cause. With the attending of things, DAOs accept the abeyant to alter several functions in acceptable organizations, which will no agnosticism go a continued way in the development of these organizations.