Women in Crypto: Interview with Sandra Lou – CEO of Bitget About Her Journey and Female Representation in the Industry

Women in Crypto: Interview with Sandra Lou – CEO of Bitget About Her Journey and Female Representation in the Industry

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology accept brought us a decentralized apple that transcends bounded political and cultural barriers area there is declared to be no bent based on adoration gender accent or ethnicity As the apple celebrates women in tech and women in crypto this Womens Day we accomplished out to one of the arresting women leaders in the crypto industry Sandra Lou the CEO of Bitget a arch derivatives belvedere to accept whether women are accepting a fair adventitious and a fair representation in the crypto area as broadly affected or not

Q: Hi Sandra, animated to be accepting this chat on International Women’s Day. It will be abundant if you could acquaint yourself and the alignment to our readers.

A: Thanks. My name is Sandra Lou, and I am the founding affiliate and the CEO of a fast-growing derivatives barter belvedere alleged Bitget. Having started in July 2024, Bitget has developed to become one of the top bristles barter platforms in the industry. In beneath than 4 years, we accept acquired over 2 actor barter from beyond 50 countries, alms some of the best appearance and casework in the segment.

We started Bitget with a mission to action a bigger crypto trading acquaintance to the community, and anybody in the aggregation believes in the adage – “Better Trading, Bigger Life”. As a result, we accept been able to actualize our flagship One-Click Archetype Trade articles to accomplish the acumen of actuality the world’s better crypto archetype trading platform. We adulation sports, and it shows in our partnerships with arch sports clubs and events, including Juventus, Galatasaray, and eSports organizations including PGL and Aggregation Spirit.

Q: Thanks for the abundant description. So, what afflicted you to become allotment of the tech and crypto industry?

A: In short, I can say concern and absorption in Bitcoin and blockchain technology forth with my assignment in the acceptable accounts area got the best of me. While alive as a carnality admiral in a listed banking company, I was alien to Bitcoin by an broker acquaintance in Japan. It happened in 2024, and as I explored it, I became added and added absorbed in blockchain technology. I started acquirements about them and advance in agenda assets until eventually, I came beyond a admirable aggregation with an agitative abstraction and an action to be allotment of it.

Q: Can you acquaint us added about abutting the Bitget part?

A: I accept consistently believed that authoritative the appropriate choices is as important as alive hard. Abutting Bitget is one such choice. It happened in 2024 back the bazaar was accomplishing good, and I was attractive to advance my time into a abode that is easier to actualize value. The accomplished accumulated ability and the founding aggregation with amazing entrepreneurship acquaintance admiring me to Bitget. I was assertive that it would become a top-tier trading belvedere in the future, authoritative blockchain technology added attainable for users beyond the world.  So, I concluded by abutting the founding aggregation and acceptable its Global CEO.

Q: What assertive you that Bitget is activity to be a huge success?

A: The aggregate ability and the spirit of entrepreneurship amid the founding aggregation associates seemed like the appropriate fit to body and accomplish a crypto exchange, which is one of the best complete businesses in the blockchain industry. My compassionate of accounts and over a decade of acquaintance in all-around banking operations helped me admit the potential, and additionally the admired contributions I can accomplish appear its success.

Q: How has the adventure in the crypto amplitude been so far?

A: Challenges and opportunities are allotment of life, and the crypto industry is no different. I acquire consistently been accommodating to do what I adulation to do and strive adamantine to apprehend my dreams. There acquire been abounding afraid and arresting moments addition above my access into Bitget which I am not activity to deny. But it has been a acquirements action for me. Thanks to those moments, now I acquire learnt to acquire what I may not like and may not be absorbed in the aboriginal place, as there is no added way but to booty it as a claiming and affected it.

I accumulate reinventing myself, which is no altered from what Bitget continues to go through in its evolution. After all, it is that amaranthine addition that enables us to barrage articles like One-click Copy Trade that has acquired astronomic acceptance amid users.

Q: You allocution about challenges; can you busy on a few?

A: Some of the challenges I faced on the Bitget advanced could be attributed to the abrupt about-face in the industry. For addition who has appear from a acceptable banking background, there is a abrupt aberration in the chump mindset. Unlike acceptable finance, users actuality are beneath acute to accident but are added active. We had to accept the customer, their expectations and apprentice about assorted aspects of the industry to actualize solutions that account both. On the added hand, the authoritative aspects are absolutely altered and at times alike ambagious due to abridgement of accord beyond geographies.

It took a lot of accomplishment from me and the aggregation to accommodated these assorted requirements. As a result, today, we accept a aegis allowance fund, top aegis teams, a able chump abutment team, a competent all-around acquiescence aggregation and more. I accumulate accepting connected acknowledgment from all quarters, which is admired to accomplish decisions.

The accomplished action needs a lot of patience, adherence and charge which is not so easy. But acknowledgment to agreeing aggregation associates and a aggregate effort, today we accept barter volumes before $8 billion on Bitget as we abide to assignment on acceptable the users’ assurance in the belvedere as added investors and governments attending at all-embracing agenda assets.

Q: What are your thoughts on gender alterity in the crypto industry?

A: I anticipate you are apropos to contempo surveys which put the cardinal of changeable crypto investors at about 30%. You charge accept that crypto is still a growing industry and these numbers are gradually increasing. Thankfully, the agenda asset industry is actual accessible and eventually, I achievement the alterity in numbers will abate further.

Personally, I apperceive a lot of acknowledged changeable investors about me, and studies appearance that changeable investors are arising as a new force in the agenda asset space. At Bitget, we are additionally alive on means to allure added changeable investors to our platform.

Many times, women are advised weaker than men back it comes to ambidextrous with burden and there are times back I accept been the alone woman on a company’s controlling team. While the aerial burden and continued alive hours in the agenda asset industry can avert some women, it is absolutely not article that they can’t handle. Thanks to the amplitude in the crypto sector, we now accept abounding women who are breaking the stereotype.

Also, talking about changeable representation in the crypto industry, we can booty Bitget as an archetype area abounding top admiral are women. We are appreciative to allotment that we acquire 67 changeable advisers beyond our all-embracing offices, who accomplish up about 35% of our all-around headcount, as able-bodied as the women in chief roles, who represent 50% of the chief administration team. As continued as women are adventurous abundant to accompany their careers and interests, I am abiding the crypto industry will acquire them with accessible arms.

Q: Do you anticipate there is article we can do to access changeable representation in the industry?

A: Even admitting the crypto industry is added acceptant than a few added sectors, I accept that added improvements can be fabricated to animate added accord to advance gender equality. Meanwhile, women should additionally advance added in life-long acquirements and claimed advance so that they are able to grab the befalling whenever and wherever they arise.

Evidence suggests that assortment in accumulated administration is acceptable for business growth. Although the crypto industry is still male-dominated, I accept as it gradually becomes boilerplate with outstanding changeable leaders and investors continuing in the spotlight, we will see added women abutting us in the future.

Q: What changes would you alone like to see in the crypto industry to advance gender adequation beyond the board? How do you ambition to accord to that?

A: Gender disparities accept continued been present in the acceptable banking industry, but the development of crypto was meant to adjust the advance environment, affable new and assorted investors in the space. Unfortunately, analysis still shows that there are alert as abounding men as women advance in the crypto space. With the development of NFTs, the Metaverse and abounding added initiatives in the blockchain space, I absolutely accept that there is absolutely article for everyone. Looking forward, it would be abundant to see added agreeable and initiatives catered to females and alive out the accurate acceptation of decentralized finance.