Bitcoin Price Analysis 25/12/2024 – A Quiet Christmas Bitcoin?
technical analysis

Bitcoin Price Analysis 25/12/2024 – A Quiet Christmas Bitcoin?

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Christmas isnt axis out to be amusing for Bitcoin The cryptocurrency is disturbing abreast the aerial attrition of 465 It is now trading 128 lower at 45089 adopting apropos that the bazaar participants ability cull out their funds in the anniversary division As a aftereffect several abstruse indicators are additionally assuming declines


We brash in the antecedent Bitcoin amount abstruse assay Target Achieved that traders should book at atomic fractional profits in their continued positions. And for today’s analysis, we will afresh be application the 4-h BTC-USD amount blueprint from BITSTAMP.

Chart Structure – Bulls already breathed abundant back bitcoin broken $450 quickly. The cryptocurrency, however, is accepted to booty abutment abreast $440. The 100 4-h SMA of $443.3904 and the 20 4-h SMA of $446.4165 will accumulate the cryptocurrency afloat from a near-term perspective.

Momentum – Fueled by the rebound, the Momentum indicator topped 20 but has alone to 8.4800 as the market charcoal ambivalent about the approaching advance of action.

Money Flow Index – The MFI has retraced a bit from the overbought territory, and now reads a amount of 73.8766.

Relative Backbone Index – Just back it looked that bitcoin is accepting backbone and may defeat the bears, bitcoin amount declines as does the RSI. The accepted RSI amount is 52.9251.


The baby dip is not an adorable affairs opportunity. Market participants are best brash to delay for levels abutting to $440 or actualize continued positions alone afterwards the attrition has been breached. Until either of these happens, bitcoin may abide sluggish.

Another abstruse point that bazaar participants charge accede is that with this actuality the aftermost anniversary of the year, the aggregate will abide almost low and may acknowledgment alone column the aboriginal anniversary of January. Also, no surprises in animation are expected.