Altcoin Analysis: NEO, EOS, LTC, Monero and Lumens
technical analysis

Altcoin Analysis: NEO, EOS, LTC, Monero and Lumens

THELOGICALINDIAN - The contempo Monero billow has been absorbing and at the moment prices are testing a key attrition band at the 382 Fibonacci retracement akin We charge bethink that there is a adamantine angle in the activity and that could the acumen why Monero is rallying

This is not the alone bread in our focus. Despite the baby bordering gains, LTC prices are trending aloft our ascendance block and all we charge is a billow accomplished $225 or February 26 highs afore we can absolutely arresting buy entries.

Let’s accept a attending at these charts:


For us to accreditation Lumens buys we charge a acceptance and that will alone appear back prices aperture $0.40, a key activate band in our analysis.

From yesterday’s amount action, we can see attempts of college highs and for a moment, Lumens prices were absolutely trending aloft the average BB and $0.40. What we charge is a acceptable abutting or a break-out per say and any such patterns will arresting longs in band with yesterday’s forecast.

In the 4HR chart, sellers are absolutely active prices lower and with a bifold bar changeabout and over bought stochastics, affairs are prices ability crawl lower and alike analysis the average BB at $0.35 or the breach out band at $0.30.

Either any, because our bullish skew and the barter arrangement we are in, buyers can attending for continued opportunities and can access back there are hints of changeabout at these key abutment lines.


There are some appealing nice amount developments in this brace and while we abide ever bullish, buyers charge admit that Monero is testing a key attrition line.

However, afore we burrow deeper, let’s additionally accede the actuality that buyers are durably in allegation and are absolutely the active force abaft this resurgence.

From the attending of things, we are in the 3rd appearance of a bullish breach out arrangement and as it is, Monero ability abort to abutting aloft the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement akin which is our actual attrition line. Furthermore, apprehension how the bullish candlesticks are now amalgamation forth the high BB in the circadian chart.

In actuality in the 4HR chart, bears are abnegation college prices and accept there is a slide, our buyers ability begin abutment at $330 and if not, again the 50% Fibonacci retracement akin $300 looks to be applicable level.

I will be aloof today and if today is bearish, again affairs are sellers ability absolutely drive prices appear our abutment levels as mentioned above.


With yesterday’s apathetic EOS amount movements, our anticipation is constant.

Now that animation is low, I apprehend the average BB in the 4HR blueprint and $8 to abide our abbreviate appellation abutment as we apprehend college highs in the advancing session.

For admission purposes, beasts ability advance college today and if we see buyers allowance yesterday’s highs of $8.3, again we shall abide absolute and alike about-face our abbreviate appellation buy targets to $10.

Otherwise, any abrasion beneath $7.5 will beggarly out stops are hit and sellers ability acquisition attrition at February 26 lows of $7.3.


There is a absolute chase through appropriate there and alike admitting LTC beasts are declining to acquisition the all-important drive for college highs, the actuality that prices are trending aloft the ascendance block is important.

That can aggregate a solid arena for buyers to admit continued positions with stops at $200 but we aboriginal charge acceptance of this blemish and that is why $225 or $230 (February 26 highs) is a acceptable activate band for buyers.


A quick glance at the 4HR blueprint and its axiomatic that NEO prices are in ambit approach and abreast the abutment trend band bright in the circadian chart.

In my appearance I will alone acclaim continued or shorts back I see prices trending aloft $140 or beneath $100. Before then, I will abide neutral.

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