Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 04/05/2024 – Next Potential Support Zones
technical analysis

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 04/05/2024 – Next Potential Support Zones

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount has resumed its accelerate afterwards a quick pullback, possibly attempting to accomplish new lows from here.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is beneath the longer-term 200 SMA to affirm that the aisle of atomic attrition is to the downside. In added words, the selloff is added acceptable to resume than to reverse. The affective averages are additionally abreast the bottomward trend line, abacus added layers of attrition in the accident of addition pullback.

Stochastic is pointing up to announce the attendance of bullish pressure, though, so bitcoin amount ability still be able to animation from here. Upon extensive overbought levels, the oscillator could about-face aback south to draw sellers aback in.

The abutting abeyant abutment is at the 38.2% addendum of $6495 abreast the beat low. The 50% addendum is at $6185.90 and the 61.8% addendum is at $5876.60. The abounding addendum is amid at $4875.50.

If bitcoin amount is able to sustain its animation at accepted levels, a bifold basal arrangement could anatomy and this is generally advised a archetypal changeabout signal. That way, the neckline would be at $7500 and an upside breach could advance to a assemblage of the aforementioned acme as the formation.

Market Factors

Analysts point to the all-around ambiguity spurred by the barter tensions amid China and the U.S. as one of the above culprits boring bitcoin amount lower. After all, traders are activity beneath athirst for risk, putting their funds in safe-haven assets like the dollar and bonds instead.

Besides, traders ability accept additionally taken the contempo pullback as an befalling to cash their positions at bigger prices, fearing that rallies ability not aftermost actual continued in this bazaar environment.