DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis June 12, 2025
technical analysis

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis June 12, 2025

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market Outlook June 12


DASH continues to bullwork aback and alternating adjoin the US dollar but the one affair that I cannot advice but apprehension is that the $150 akin has offered a massive bulk of resistance. If we can breach aloft there and added chiefly abutting aloft there on a circadian chart, I feel at that point it’s acceptable that we will go abundant higher. Pullbacks could action affairs opportunities, as I accept eventually we will breach out but there is a cogent bulk of abutment beneath that could accord us an befalling to booty advantage of this uptrend.


LiteCoin continues to appearance bullish pressure, but we additionally abide to attempt as the $30 level. We for breach aloft $31, and again add to a position that you may already have. Currently, I attending at this bazaar and admit that the abutting ambition will be $34. Pullbacks from actuality should accept affluence of abutment abreast the $28 level.

Thanks for watching, we will see you tomorrow.