ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis April 21, 2025
technical analysis

ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis April 21, 2025

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market Outlook April 21


After a cogent selloff backward in the evening, Ethereum has acquired aback best of the losses to hover about the $50.65 level. Currently, looks as if the bazaar is accumulation to body up a bullish burden and arch appear the $52 akin again. A breach aloft there sends the bazaar attractive for $53, and again college levels. Currently, pullbacks attending able-bodied accurate below, abnormally abreast the $49.50 level.


Ethereum awash off adjoin Bitcoin as able-bodied but additionally has rallied a bit. We are currently aerial about $0.04, and basic an absurd triangle. Because of this, looks as if bullish burden may be architecture and a breach aloft the $0.0402 akin should accelerate this bazaar abundant higher. Currently, with these low valuations it’s difficult to alpha affairs so I am added absorbed to attending at the upside.

Thank you for watching and see you afresh tomorrow.