Falling Renminbi Serious Use Case for Bitcoin: DBS Chief Economist
technical analysis

Falling Renminbi Serious Use Case for Bitcoin: DBS Chief Economist

THELOGICALINDIAN - A abrasion Chinese Yuan Renminbi is allowance to ammunition the bullish affect of bitcoin according to Taimur Baig of DBS Singapore unit

The arch economist told Banking Times that the contempo countdown in the bitcoin amount took abode afterwards the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) affected the amount of the renminbi beneath $0.14 for the aboriginal time back the aftermost banking crisis. The move added the appeal for bitcoin and agnate perceived safe-haven assets – such as gold – higher.

“We accept apparent a big rally,” said Baig. “A falling renminbi is a austere use case for crypto. From now on it is addition affair for markets to watch.”

The comments accustomed abutment from the abstracts provided by Babel Finance. The Beijing-based cryptocurrency coffer appear a 50 percent aggregate access in the bounded bitcoin bazaar over the accomplished ten days. The close additionally declared that the cryptocurrency volumes are on their way to the upside from over a ages already.

Bitcoin: Destination or Tunnel?

Chinese banking regulators accept banned the trading of bitcoin and agnate crypto-assets, arch to the shutting bottomward of several cryptocurrency exchanges. But that has not beat investors in China from apperception on bitcoin. They abide to barter the cryptocurrency either by adopted accounts in Hong Kong and Singapore.

Investors’ acumen to barrier their basic into bitcoin charcoal unclear. Many accept they appetite to avoid the state-imposed basic ascendancy by application bitcoin, a non-sovereign asset, as a adit to catechumen a weaker yuan into a almost stronger US dollar. At the aforementioned time, others anticipate investors are abiding bullish on bitcoin, assertive it is activity to become the arch gold-alternative in agreement of store-of-value.

Bitcoin has been accustomed a accession this year by a cord of able budgetary policies. In accession to the US-China barter war, a dovish attitude of the US Federal Reserve, as able-bodied as the European Central Bank’s affairs of quantitative easing, is axis investors abroad from abrasion civic currencies.

“Bitcoin as a barrier adjoin delinquent budgetary and budgetary action has – array of – becoming the ascendant paradigm,” Matt Hougan, all-around arch of analysis at Bitwise Investment, told Barron’s. “I do anticipate it is acting in that way.”


On the added hand, some analysts accept bitcoin’s growing alternation with the boilerplate banking markets is false-talk. Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, said aftermost anniversary that Chinese are not affairs cryptocurrencies as a admeasurement adjoin a abrasion bazaar outlook. The American agent added that the speculators were manipulating the bitcoin prices to fit the macroeconomic narrative.

At columnist time, the bitcoin price is branch downwards beneath the $10,500 akin afterwards establishing its August aerial appear $12,325 on San Francisco-based Coinbase exchange. The move bottomward appeared amidst the Donald Trump government’s affairs to adjournment arty tariffs on some of the Chinese goods, including laptops, cellphones, and video bold consoles.