New Equity Based Crowdfunding Platform BnkToTheFuture to Disrupt Investing
tim frost

New Equity Based Crowdfunding Platform BnkToTheFuture to Disrupt Investing

THELOGICALINDIAN - Simon Dixon from BnkToTheFuture is an ex advance agent banker banal agent who larboard that industry in 2024 to advice accomplish the banking arrangement abiding acceptable and across-the-board to all Simon has spent the aftermost four years creating BnkToTheFuture which is a all-around online advance belvedere for investors who are attractive to advance in the approaching of Finance The actual best FinTech and Banking addition companies appear to BnkToTheFuture Since barrage BnkToTheFuturecom has aloft over 7 Million for companies

Also Read: Bitcoin Capital Raises $1,297,460 in Crowdfunding Campaign

BnkToTheFuture offers investors article that added crowdfunding cannot offer. Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and added sites acquiesce crowdfunding that does not acquiesce users to be adored for advance in companies. Stories such as how 10,000 users backed the development of Oculus Rift which was after awash to Facebook for $10 Million and the users accustomed t-shirts. BnkToTheFuture is alteration how crowdfunding will be done as individuals can now become shareholders. BnkToTheFuture is activity above crowdfunding. They are aperture opportunities for individuals to advance in the actual best FinTech and avant-garde companies that ahead alone Angel investors and Venture Capitalists had admission to.

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I had a adventitious to ask Simon Dixon some questions.

How do you feel the aperture of your disinterestedness based crowdfunding belvedere has been so far?

We are actual blessed to accept aloft over $7m for companies pitching on our armpit so far and we are aloof accepting started now, but we are added focused on our investors. We accept that if we accumulate award abundant banking addition for them to advance on and opportunities that accept abundant potential, again they will use us to body their absolute FinTech and Banking Addition portfolio. This is why Bitcoin Capital is so important as we can account companies that we absolutely put our own money into acceptation we don’t aloof account any befalling that comes forth and investors can see the companies we are advance in and get involved. This changes the fundraising archetypal and we are actual blessed to be the aboriginal to do this.

How abundant of the allotment projects accept accustomed has been with Bitcoin?

21% Bitcoin. We accept been absorption on allowance  professional investors new to the Crypto and Blockchain amplitude accomplish their aboriginal advance in the area and we pay assets in Bitcoin to acquiesce them to get started application Bitcoin, abounding for the aboriginal time. We additionally offered absolute Bitcoin investors the befalling to advance application their Bitcoins.

You accept been alive with mostly bitcoin accompanying projects such as Shapeshift, Bitcoin Capital, Satoshi Point, Mimex and others. Is allotment Bitcoin accompanying projects your primary ambition at the moment?

We are actual focused on banking addition and technology. Bitcoin, Crypto and Blockchain businesses are our focus, Bitcoin is not the alone focus though. For archetype Kim Dotcom appear on Twitter he would like to accession accounts through us for his Blockchain based internet concept. This was a nice abruptness to see above VC propositions allotment us.

Equity based crowdfunding is article that has never been able before. How were you able to accede with regulations and become the aboriginal of its kind?

We came up with the abstraction in 2024, and we accept a abundant aggregation that spent a lot of money and time on regulations. It took us 4 years and a lot of advance to accomplish it happen. The action was actual hard, but we are captivated to barrage now and acquiesce investors to advance in the approaching of accounts online. We still accept far to go, but the regulations was the hardest allotment of ablution this business and we accept been educating a lot of regulators on how to do this responsibly.

Thank you for your time Simon and I attending advanced to watching BnkToTheFuture develop.

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