Cybersecurity Took Center Stage in 2024 and Could Present an Exciting Investment Opportunity

Cybersecurity Took Center Stage in 2024 and Could Present an Exciting Investment Opportunity

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cybersecurity has consistently been a affair of accent for both enterprises and individuals However 2024 was riddled with contest that accent aloof how acute an affair it is afterward aloofness breaches such as the Cambridge Analytica Facebook aspersion With renewed absorption in online assurance and aloofness cybersecurity stocks are alluring accretion absorption in the advance world

2024 – the Year of the Hack

The absorption to online aloofness accomplished new heights in 2024, afterward the Cambridge Analytica scandal, which jeopardised the abstracts of some 87 actor Facebook users¹. The aspersion put in catechism abounding of Facebook’s user aloofness practices, consistent in Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifying afore Congress. A ages later, the General Abstracts Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into aftereffect in the EU, applying new restrictions on any article that collects claimed data.

The Dynamics of Online Security

One of the affidavit cybersecurity is, and will remain, a hot affair is the ever-changing attributes of the online world. With so abundant acute advice actuality stored in the billow and on computer networks, the risks are anytime growing and the charge for able cyberdefenses is anytime present. From “simple” risks, such as phishing scams, to circuitous ransomware programs and crypto mining bots, anniversary being and action with an online attendance is in crisis of falling victim to a cyber attack.

The cybersecurity industry is huge, estimated at added than $150 billion in 2024, and projected to abound to $230 billion aural 4 years². Both companies who specialize in cyber defence and the giants of the tech industry absorb billions every year to beef up their defences, and assure their admired bookish acreage and their users’ claimed information.

As mentioned before, there are two capital types of companies that accomplish in the cybersecurity field. The aboriginal blazon is companies whose absolute business is developing and implementing cybersecurity solutions, such as Check Point and Symantec. The additional blazon is companies with beyond tech or aegis operations, which additionally accept a abundant attendance in the cybersecurity space, such as tech behemothic IBM and defence and aegis assertive Lockheed Martin.

To action its audience acknowledgment to this growing industry, eToro has created the CyberSecurity CopyPortfolio. This professionally complete portfolio will action investors admission to a contemporary advance action absorption on cybersecurity companies. The portfolio includes companies alive to assure bartering entities, clandestine individuals, government and aggressive institutions and more.

Add CyberSecurity to Watchlist


eToro is acclimation an absolute webinar to accommodate insights into its CopyPortfolios’ achievement in 2024 and accommodate an account about the company’s latest agitative advance portfolio: CyberSecurity.

Join the altercation amid banking announcer Elliott Gotkine and eToro CEO Yoni Assia here.


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