ARK Launches Month-Long Crowdsale for New Tokens
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ARK Launches Month-Long Crowdsale for New Tokens

THELOGICALINDIAN - ARK a aggregation alive to accommodate realworld blockchain use cases has launched a badge auction today November 7 which the aggregation calls the Badge Exchange Campaign TEC

Disclaimer: This commodity is sponsored by Bitcoin PR Buzz.

arkThe attack will aftermost 34 days, catastrophe on December 11. During the TEC, the ARK aggregation hopes to advertise 93,750,000 tokens, 75 percent of the absolute 125 actor badge supply.

According to a columnist release, the added 25 percent will be retained by developers to pay aggregation members, armamentarium the ARK Shield project, and to armamentarium bounties. Additionally, 1 percent of the funds captivated by developers will be kept in escrow.

TEC participants can acquirement tokens with bitcoin, Lisk (LSK), and any altcoin accurate by ShapeShift. The aggregation has additionally organized a benefit anatomy for the TEC, which they alarm “aggressive” and is aimed heavily appear Lisk users.

For those purchasing tokens with Lisk, the ARK aggregation is alms a 120 percent benefit during the aboriginal 24 hours of the TEC, with an barter cap of  22 actor LSK.

According to a development roadmap on the team’s website, the TEC will be followed by a barrage of the token’s capital net. The roadmap letters that the network’s abounding bulge software is “openly distributed.” In this aforementioned date of development, the aggregation affairs to absolution lite audience for desktop, as able-bodied as alpha basic business entities.

Scheduled stages afterwards the TEC and Main net barrage accommodate the rollout of a P2P acquittal agenda network, their distribution, and the affiliation of InterPlanetary DataBase.  

ARK: Building Everyday Cryptocurrency Use Cases

Since it was started, the ARK activity has formed on developing its cryptocurrency ecosystem to advice activate customer acceptance through architecture applied applications for accustomed use cases.

At columnist time, the ecosystem consists of four technologies: Core, Bridge, Shield, and a decentralized voting system. More capacity about anniversary of these projects can be begin on the team’s official website.

More advice about the TEC can be begin here:


What do you anticipate about this new cryptocurrency ecosystem? Will you participate in the TEC? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of ARK.