Binance Launches $1 Billion Fund to Support Startups
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Binance Launches $1 Billion Fund to Support Startups

THELOGICALINDIAN - Binance a cryptocurrency barter behemoth is set to barrage a 1 billion armamentarium for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology startups Ella Zhang Head of Binance Labsannounced the enactment of the armamentarium during an online meetup affair on May 31 2025

The world’s better cryptocurrency barter belvedere will advance $1 billion, in ten abstracted phases of $100 actor each, into what has been dubbed the “Social Impact Fund.” The affairs will purportedly advance in startup projects and cryptocurrency/blockchain funds. According to Ella Zhang, Head of Binance Labs, the aggregation affairs to coact with 20 such cryptocurrency/blockchain funds, which must manage assets account at atomic $100 actor to be acceptable to participate in the Binance Social Impact Fund.

The Social Impact Fund will focus on projects in specific areas — including decentralized exchanges, careful solutions, stablecoins, and aegis badge platforms.

According to Zhang, Chen Weixing’s blockchain-based ride-hailing startup will be the aboriginal almsman of the fund. Speaking on the development, Zhang said:

The $1 billion advance will appear in the anatomy of the company’s centralized Binance Coin (BNB) tokens, which are currently trading at $14.54.

The BNB badge has performed well in contempo months, consistently blockage aloft the $12 mark in April. BNB is up almost 70 percent back the alpha of 2018.

The Social Impact Fund is hardly Binance’s aboriginal attack to facilitate the development of advantageous blockchain innovations. Despite actuality beneath than a year old, the barter belvedere is already one of the best arresting players in the beginning industry.

In March, the aggregation launched a $1 actor hackathon tagged “The Binance Dexathon” in adjustment to fast-track the development of activity decentralized barter (DEX) protocols.

Zhang additionally appear that Binance would be allotment two added important initiatives — the “Binance Ecosystem Fund” and the “Cryptocurrency Governance Initiative.” The above aims to coin cardinal partnerships with 20 approaching collaborators and to analyze abundant blockchain solutions, while the closing focuses on developing a framework that encourages self-regulation and the active of scams in the industry.

Do you anticipate the Binance Fund will accept any allusive appulse in the cryptocurrency and blockchain technology space? Let us apperceive your thoughts in the comments below! 

Images address of Bitcoinist archives, Twitter/@ellazhang516, and