UFC To Pay Fighter Bonuses In Crypto
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UFC To Pay Fighter Bonuses In Crypto

THELOGICALINDIAN - The UFC has been criticized in the accomplished for the advantage allocated appear its aptitude who put their all in on one of the best physically constant sports on the planet The alliance can attending to adverse critics this anniversary address of their absolute affiliation with Cryptocom

In a new advertisement today, the UFC has aggregate that it will administer $60,000 account of Bitcoin to fighters at pay-per-view events. Let’s booty a attending at the announcement, and what it agency for the alliance and broader sport.

The UFC was one of the aboriginal non-soccer sports leagues to try out fan tokens, address of a accord with Chiliz, and has connected the crypto-related drive with little abhorrence of blame into alien territory. It’s applicable for a non-traditional sports alliance like the UFC. Last year, the UFC anchored it’s initial affiliation with Crypto.com – a massive 10-year, $175M accord that was unprecedented. The accord anchored Crypto.com as the UFC’s first-ever ‘Official Fight Kit Partner.’

In January, the alliance connected it’s endeavors into blockchain-related experiments, advertisement a affiliation with Dapper Labs for a new NFT marketplace. This week’s advertisement shows that they’re aback for more, with a new ‘Fan Bonus Of The Night’ that will appoint admirers in a decidedly different way.

Fans will accolade three top fighters on pay-per-view events, with $30,000 of BTC awarded to aboriginal place, $20,000 awarded to second, and $10,000 awarded to third abode – all paid in BTC.

This weekend’s UFC 273 accident will be the aboriginal to host this fan benefit structure.

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These fan assurance levels may assume almost baby at their face, but they appearance that the alliance is accommodating to be advancing in award all-over means to accept admirers feel involved. While acceptable sports leagues may be slower movers back it comes to new account like this, don’t be afraid to see them eventually about-face the bend – decidedly as stronger, added accustomed relationships with crypto ally and above leagues abide to evolve.

There’s few leagues with an admirers the admeasurement of the UFCs that are aggravating new fan-engagement account like this, so acclaim is due for award a way to accolade alliance fighters in a way that gives the admirers a added alone experience.

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