Coda Protocol Code Review: Ultra Compressed Blockchain

Coda Protocol Code Review: Ultra Compressed Blockchain


Coda Protocol cipher review, apprehensive if their claims accomplish any sense. Over here, look! The Ethereum blockchain, currently 667GB! And over here, Coda… which claims that a compression of recursive agreement of zk-SNARKs and some able account can abate the admeasurement of their alternation into a “tiny snapshot”. Mass acceptance anyone?

So, anyway. Coda is a new cryptocurrency with a connected admeasurement blockchain, convalescent ascent while advancement decentralization and security. No charge to abundance the absolute blockchain for verification. Burning adaptable syncing (or somewhat instant, let’s be austere for a moment here).

I first visited this activity aback in May, so I’m jumping aback in, lots to attending at, aflame to see this work.

605 commits, 80 branches, 13 contributors. Working off of RFC’s it seems.

Good affair management, abundant documentation.

From the documentation, we accept verifiers, and we accept the longest alternation rule.

Quite a lot to go through. From the aftermost review, bethink that snarky is the abracadabra sauce. Think of snarky as the VM and aggregate actuality the cipher active on top of it. Not a abundant affinity but let’s go with it for now.

Not a fan of Ocaml.

Praos, their PoS Ouroboros accomplishing if I’m not mistaken.

Difficult for me to understand, I’m not fluent. But we see VRF conception based on time seeds, and we see accompaniment analysis off of aught ability proofs. Need to dive in added actuality though, these are the aerial akin functions.

Mini affidavit of assignment accomplishing as well. Probably for testing, but appealing cool.

Need added low akin functions to absolutely see what is accident here. High akin it seems to validate the accompaniment alteration with the snark transition. But after seeing the low akin this is difficult to comprehend.

At this point, I can’t absolutely appraise the affection of this code. Instinctively it is good, authoritative structure, layout, accepted best practices are all good.

Let’s try addition way. Let’s alpha from sending a payment.

Not accustomed with these CLI libraries. But we actualize a Payment object. So let’s arch over to Payment.

Not adage much, we aloof see blazon var and we see blazon Currency. over to Currency;

Checked, circuits for snarks. Fee, amount, balance, mostly aloof circuits and safe math.

Account structure, accessible key, balance, nonce, receipt_chain_hash.

Ledger transitions from snarks, transaction_snark? Transactions are snarkable? Is snarkable a absolute term?

Receipt_chain_hash. We accord a cancellation assortment (the top merkle hash) that includes the transaction. That assortment is affidavit that the transaction is in the system. Given the transactions, antecedent chain_hash, do I prove the accepted hash?

Need added data.

Now we are on the server side. The RPC receives the send_payment we created earlier. Let’s amount out area it goes.

Main -> Run -> send_payment (from RPC) -> schedule_payment -> into transaction pool.

prove_receipt grabs the affidavit payment, and checks adjoin the cancellation alternation database.

Add Payment as txn into tx pool. Straight advanced enough.

Proposer grabs tx from basin and adds into abutting proposal. Compress all affairs into a distinct snark?

Trying to accept balance builder…

Conceptually, let’s attending at it. send_payment, accustomed setup, circuits for bill transitions. Tx into tx pool, accustomed setup. Proposer, accustomed setup, acceding on block, accustomed setup.

Now you accept a basis cancellation hash. You ask a bulge that has all the receipts, if the cancellation is accurate and contains the transaction.

So I’m still autumn all the affairs and all the hashes? I’m missing a allotment of the picture, the zk inputs is area I’m accepting stuck.

Coda Protocol Code Review Conclusion:

More analysis to do on my end, but astounding code. I’m not an Ocaml guy, but this fabricated sense. This and snarky gives them a lot of power, and while I don’t see the distinct affidavit aloof yet, I see a actual able contender.

Great team, lots of adamantine (and smart) assignment has gone into this. I would like to see this in production. I anticipate it is unique.

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Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing code reviews are performed by auditing what is on affectation in the adept annex of the repo’s fabricated available. This was performed as an educational analysis and any comments in the commodity are the assessment of the writer. It is accustomed for cipher to change rapidly, appropriately we timestamp our cipher reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information independent herein should not be acclimated as any animadversion or admonition on the activity as a whole.

Coda Protocol Code Review Timestamp: November 17th 2024