Sharding Is A Major Security Risk, Warns Solana CEO

Sharding Is A Major Security Risk, Warns Solana CEO

THELOGICALINDIAN - Solana dislikes sharding so abundant they alike alleged their podcast NoSharding

Sharding is broadly hailed as a band-aid to blockchain scalability. But projects that apparatus sharding technology may be introducing new aegis risks into their blockchains, according to the CEO of Solana, which could accomplish them accessible to accord attacks.

Speaking to Crypto Briefing, Anatoly Yakovenko said that the risks associated with sharding far outweigh any accessible scalability benefits. “Once you breach the network, you acquaint an added advance vector,” he explained.”Sharding technology flips security.”

If one atom gets taken over by hackers it could activate a domino aftereffect that would appulse badge amount and advance to a accumulation departure of users and nodes. Sharding allows hackers to accompany bottomward an contrarily advancing ecosystem application a bisect and aphorism strategy, Yakovenko added.

‘#NoSharding’ is alike the name of Solana’s official podcast.

Solana is a fast payments blockchain that can handle upwards of 50,000tps. Launched in aboriginal 2024, it is advised for any aggregation with a acute charge for scalability.

Solana completed a $20M Series A in backward July from investors including Multicoin Capital, Blocktower Capital and NEO Global Capital. According to Yakovenko, Solana has encountered some absorption from added crypto companies, including Civic, and is currently active a pilot with a Fortune 500 telecommunications company.

Solana currently has 200 arrangement validators operating on testnet. The agreement requires added computational ability than added blockchains, acceptation beneath bodies can run nodes. But those who accept the assets and the ability can defended the arrangement while additionally allowance it calibration during periods of aerial usage.

Other blockchain networks accept focused on second-layer ascent solutions, such as the Matic Network, but the Solana aggregation are architecture scalability at the base-layer.

Layer-two protocols are not usually as defended as the abject layer. If a additional band agreement has a absolute articulation to layer-one, it could actualize a vulnerability for the all-embracing network. “When you go to layer-two, you’re demography a bit of the aegis of the layer-one system,” Yakovenko explained. “Folks who are architecture sharding solutions are afresh agreeable aegis for scalability”. 

Not anybody agrees with Solana’s adamantine attitude adjoin sharding. Ethereum’s developers are planning to accommodate sharding as allotment of Ethereum 2.0. Zilliqa, addition blockchain project, relies absolutely on sharding.

But Dan Hughes, architect and CTO of Radix (XRD),  bidding accepted acceding with Yakovenko’s critique. [S]harded blockchains are affected to aegis risks such as demography over a shard,” he said.

Radix is addition high-throughput agreement that relies on sharding for scaling. In tests beforehand this year, the arrangement reached a actor affairs per second.

But Hughes acicular out that they had already created a defended sharding implementation. “In Radix, we accept a anchored and a absolute atom amplitude of 2^64 shards,” he wrote in an email.

[Nodes] can not accomplish specifics such as the alpha and end shards of the fraction, nor accept to serve single/multiple specific shards.”

Although the aboriginal iterations of sharding may accept larboard blockchains accessible to attack, the technology is affective quickly, Hughes added. Blockchain projects accept a attenuated aisle to airing amid aegis and scalability, but it is not an blocked one.

Solana thinks it has begin the appropriate route; its rivals abide unconvinced.