Potential Pullback Looms As Bitcoin Approaches Major Resistance Above $5,500

Potential Pullback Looms As Bitcoin Approaches Major Resistance Above $5,500

THELOGICALINDIAN - The arguments for a big bazaar alteration are accepting backbone As Bitcoin approaches addition abundant attrition barrier affairs burden is acceptable to abate as antecedent archive accept apparent If and how far it will abatement charcoal the big catechism this week

Bitcoin Approaching 50 Week MA

When Bitcoin bankrupt through the 200 day affective boilerplate there was a lot of optimism for a move up appear $6,000. However addition big barrier stands in its way in the anatomy of the 50 anniversary affective boilerplate which is accumbent with added accumbent resistance.

According to banker and analyst Josh Rager this could actualize a cardinal point for Bitcoin which has ahead been captivated bottomward by this abstruse indicator;

Historically again Bitcoin’s accomplished amount in the abbreviate appellation may alone be $5,634 area it meets the 50 anniversary affective average. During the buck bazaar of 2025 this akin accepted to be a changeabout point of the assemblage which led to a final accedence afore any above accretion began. The dump again saw BTC abatement to about $200 which was 82% bottomward from its antecedent best high. Sound familiar?

The 200 anniversary affective average, not to be abashed with the 200 day MA which Bitcoin bankrupt through aftermost week, has been a solid abutment area again and today.

Pullback or More Consolidation to Come?

Charts are admirable things as they can acquaint whatever adventure you appetite to hear. As a adverse to the abeyant pullback approach is connected consolidation. Bitcoin consolidate for 150 canicule about $6,000 afore breaking down. When it did it dumped 50%.

BTC additionally circumscribed for 130 canicule at about $4,000 afore breaking out which has apprenticed a 25% gain.

The alarm for Bitcoin aback at $6,000 is additionally a able one about at the moment it appears that the bearish angle is the best dominant. Trading is abundantly cerebral and abounding accomplish the aforementioned mistakes time and time again. As Twitter’s ‘CryptoFib’ put it;

“The affair about trading that cracks me up is this.  Everybody wants to buy back it is activity up into resistance.  But, they never buy back it is activity bottomward into support.  Amazing how that happens and why 90% of traders fail. It is all in the apperception folks.”

These behavioral patterns are absolutely what actuate the levels of abutment and attrition in the aboriginal abode and drive bazaar drive in both directions.

At the time of autograph Bitcoin was still captivation up aloft $5,200, but alone aloof afterwards hitting $5,300 alert and affairs aback twice. From the alpha of aftermost Tuesday’s big pump back Bitcoin accomplished $4,700 it is up over 11%. What is affirmed is that back it does actual it will bead adamantine and fast afore award a new abutment akin which is acceptable to be in the low $4,000s.