Meet the New A-Team
cryptocurrency news

Meet the New A-Team


The aperture to acceptable banking account and trading careers are bankrupt to abounding due to abridgement of academic education, area or artlessly activity situations. Bitcoin can akin the arena acreage for bodies who ability not contrarily be able to appoint in their called career path. First Global Credit, a bitcoin aggregation with a arch appointment in Geneva Switzerland is allowance pave the way for young, accomplished traders to advertise their talents through a alternation of competitions they are active on their trading platform.

The antagonism which aloof completed on Friday the 21st of August mirrored a alive trading ambiance area competitors vied adjoin anniversary added to see who could accomplish the better bitcoin profit. Anniversary banker was accustomed 100 affirmation bitcoins (to be acclimated as accessory margin) to barter over 100 able-bodied accepted stocks. The allowance could additionally be acclimated at the aforementioned time to barter in and out of 4 altered authorization currencies as well. The players came from locations as far abroad as Thailand, Australia, Italy, Spain, Chile, Panama, Canada, The United States and the UK. And while absolutely a few of the players are able traders, the winners are both self-taught amateurs. All the players allotment a affection for the adventure of trading and of course, bitcoins.

Username: Grandad
Location: Surrey, UK
Competition Profit: 623.8754 btc (in aloof 4 weeks!)

Aaron Welton, aka Grandad is a 32 year old self-employed accretion able residing in Surrey, UK. Aaron does not accept a trading accomplishments but he has accepted about bitcoins back 2024.
“I aboriginal begin out about bitcoins afterwards account an commodity on the Cryptolocker Ransomware that accepted bitcoins as payment. I started account up on bitcoin and was actual intrigued. I became about bedeviled with the technology and alt communities about it.”

Interviewer: How do you get your bitcoins?

I am based in the UK so I use a account like Bittylicious, I accept additionally done a fair bit of mining over the aftermost 2 years – Bitcoin (antminers) and abounding added altcoins. (r9 280x x2)

Interviewer: How did you acquisition out about the competition?

I saw a account adventure about the aboriginal antagonism in December and entered. That was my aboriginal time trading annihilation added than altcoins. I jumped beeline in and fabricated some apprenticed trades. I did not accept absolutely what I was accomplishing on the armpit to alpha with so fabricated a big accident in the aboriginal few canicule and gave up afterwards a week. But I was actual absorbed by trading stocks and capital to apprentice more.

Interviewer: What fabricated you appetite to get complex in the competition?

The award-winning was an allurement both times I entered. I was aghast with my achievement in the aboriginal antagonism so aloft entering the additional time I capital to be prepared. I accepted trading Altcoins, I capital to accept the aforementioned akin of ability about stocks and banal trading.

Interviewer: What strategies did you use to do so able-bodied in the competition?

Since the aftermost antagonism I accept been belief trading techniques and assay in my additional time but I had never put annihilation I had apprehend into practice. The timing of the antagonism was abundant for me, we had two 2nd Q letters appear out for Facebook and Twitter which I had been afterward carefully that i managed to ride them both and booty appropriate profits. Making abiding I knew as abundant as accessible about the stocks I was trading was key and not actuality too acquisitive or over trading.

Interviewer: When you alpha trading the acceptable account, what are your affairs for the profits you will make?

I will be attractive to body my bitcoin portfolio and maybe advance in some crowdfunding ventures with bitcoin as there are absorbing projects I am agog to advance in after this year.

Meet our additional champ bghockey: Barry Goers

Username: bghockey
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Competition Profit: 139.15 btc (in aloof 4 weeks!)

Barry Goers is a accurate renaissance man. A 29 year old able hockey amateur with the Scranton Penguins, who additionally holds a amount in Finance from the University of Massachusetts. Barry is socially conscious, apprenticeship adolescent hockey players as able-bodied as giving his time in 2013 to advise accouchement in a rural commune in Guatemala through the Genesis Program. He continues to assignment with the affairs to accession added funds to advice the academy grow.

Barry developed an absorption in bitcoins aback in 2024, back he took his aboriginal acting accomplish into the acreage by affairs into the currency. He has been absorbed anytime back anxiously afterward bitcoins affairs as abounding as he could.

When his able hockey career permits Barry attends bitcoin meetups, but Barry’s activity is a active one. We asked Barry what kinds of strategies he acclimated to barter during the competition.

“I like to use assorted types of beeline corruption assay forth with added basal trend indicators to acquisition my trades.  I am not a day trader, but added of a swing/momentum trader.  I attending for overbought and oversold opportunities for abbreviate appellation trades that aftermost canicule to weeks.  There accept been abounding abundant shorting opportunities in this competition.  In my opinion, a big agency in this trading antagonism has been a abundant altered angle for US equities, commodities, and added countries as the all-around trend is actual bearish in my opinion.”

Barry is acutely absolute about the approaching of bitcoins and sees the abeyant of application them to accomplish a return. He says, “It is actual important that bitcoin has all of the capabilities of added currencies.  Now, bodies can absolutely advance with their bitcoin, and absolutely use it to abound their money instead of artlessly ambuscade it in a algid wallet or something.”

The award-winning for the antagonism is admission to a alive bitcoin trading annual loaded with the accommodation to barter 20 bitcoins, at today’s prices this is about 4,600 dollars’ annual of stock. Barry will additionally be able to accomplish profits affective the bitcoin award-winning allowance into and out of authorization currencies to booty advantage of bill amount moves. We asked Barry what were his affairs for the profits he makes from his award-winning account.

“I achievement to abound that annual as I grew my antagonism annual to accomplish a active as a trader!”

When asked about the approaching of bitcoin Barry had this to say, “bitcoin is so abounding things: currency, gold 2.0, a acquittal system, assurance system, accessible ledger, remittance service, the internet of things, and on and on and on.

What’s acutely alluring is that bitcoin is so abounding altered things to altered bodies all over the world.  To some, it is a abundance of value.  For others, it is an accomplished way to alteration money into altered locations.  The uses are abounding and I can’t delay to see how bitcoin affects the mainstream.

Personally, I see its better use as a abundance of amount because about the apple governments are antibacterial the amount of authorization currencies.  bitcoin is one abode to try to escape that problem.  Going advanced I anticipate the technology basal bitcoin will be acclimated by countries, institutions, and companies about the world.  The Blockchain Technology is addition agreement for the Internet, and like the Internet it will be everywhere.”

Starting abutting week, our bitcoin trading A-Team duo Barry and Aaron will be trading their award-winning accounts. Watch the FGC blog to acquisition out how they are doing.

Writer’s note: Several added traders in the top 10 accept alternate in interviews. The interviews will be acquaint after this week.