ShapeShift CEO: Bitcoin Bear Market Isn’t Over Yet, But Accumulate Now
cryptocurrency technology

ShapeShift CEO: Bitcoin Bear Market Isn’t Over Yet, But Accumulate Now

THELOGICALINDIAN - Investors afresh breatheda blow of abatement as Bitcoin staved off a move beneath the anytime so important 5800 abutment akin And while some assume that the buck bazaar may be breath its aftermost breaths some pessimists accept that the affliction has yet to appear for this earlystage market

Erik Voorhees: Bitcoin Could Fall To As Low As $4,750

As with any market, there are beasts and bears. Erik Voorhees of Shapeshift, an burning crypto-to-crypto exchange, seems to abatement into the closing category, afresh speaking with Ran Neuner on CNBC Africa’s Crypto Trader to altercate his bearish sentiment.

Neuner, who goes by “CryptoManRan” on Twitter, opened up the account by alluding to Voorhee’s antecedent actualization on Crypto Trader, allurement the CEO if his bearish angle remains. Surprisingly enough, the Shapeshift controlling adamantly declared that 2024’s buck bazaar could be set to continue. Elaborating on this forecast, he noted:

“I don’t apprehend it (bear market) to end soon, although I do anticipate that the amount of collapse has slowed considerably. Generally in these bubbles, afterwards you go through serveral months of a declivity you adhere out in a ambit for a while… But I anticipate we are done with a majority of the collapse.”

While “a majority” of the collapse may accept elapsed, Voorhees added that Bitcoin prices could see a added 30% downside to ~$4,750 over the abutting three to 18 months, but will acceptable not move any lower from there.

Nonetheless, Shapeshift’s CEO acclaimed that any acquirement of Bitcoin between $5,000 and $8,000 would be advantageous for abiding believers in this industry, as in a brace of years a $6,700 will attending like “a acceptable spot” to buy-in at. Voorhees’ statements apropos accession are rather commensurable with the affect captivated by WanChain’s CEO, who afresh noted that the bazaar may generally “over-correct” and that accumulating at low prices may acknowledgment ample sums in the future.

Although Voorhees may be a abiding Bitcoin bull, concise Bitcoin bear, it has become credible that he is an altcoin buck through and through. Responding to Neuner’s concern about altcoins and the “one accurate alternation (Bitcoin),” the Shapeshift controlling referenced his acquaintance in above-mentioned buck markets, acquainted that a majority of tokens (altcoins) neither authority inherent value or are acceptable investments in general.

Anyhow, Voorhees appear that he is absolutely not a Bitcoin maximalist, as he expects blockchains to spawn all over the world, sparking a new era of crypto assets in the future. Speaking added on this prediction, he stated:

“Digital assets could ample abounding altered use cases, and cryptocurrency was an aboriginal one (use case) that was successful, but it was not at all the alone one. And so you’re activity to get a lot of blockchains, and a lot of agenda assets for a agglomeration of altered use cases… This abstraction that Bitcoin, with its specific properties, is activity to be optimal for every distinct use case, is absolutely naive. And I anticipate that this (mindset) cuts adjoin the actual attributes of decentralization that we were aggravating to body in the aboriginal place.”

Further bashing crypto tribalism, the Shapeshift CEO brought up the abstraction that this bazaar isn’t about which alternation is activity to win, it is rather about dismantling the bequest systems that accept bedfast the lives of many, via the non-censorable, immutable, permissionless, and decentralized aspects of blockchain technology.