Nigeria's June P2P Bitcoin Trade Volumes Surged Again Despite Central Bank's Crypto Restrictions
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Nigeria's June P2P Bitcoin Trade Volumes Surged Again Despite Central Bank's Crypto Restrictions

THELOGICALINDIAN - Nigerias peertopeer bitcoin barter volumes went up to aloof beneath 38 actor in June 2025 the latest abstracts shows This billow becomes alone the additional time Nigerian P2P traded volumes accept breached the 35 actor mark in 2025 March 2025 is the alone added aeon back P2P bitcoin traded volumes about surpassed the 38 actor mark

Nigerian P2P Growth Unhindered by Central Bank Crypto Restrictions

Still, as the data shows, the country’s June volumes billow had been preceded by the bordering bead of traded amount to $35.2 actor and $34.9 actor in the months of April and May 2021 respectively. Nevertheless, both volumes still abide college than the over $31 actor which was recorded in February 2021.

Nevertheless, the latest abstracts (which is sourced from two P2P exchanges) already afresh suggests that Nigerian absorption and acceptance of cryptocurrencies abide to abound admitting the artifice of restrictions on crypto assets by the axial bank.

In aboriginal February 2021, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) directed banking institutions to stop confined entities complex in cryptocurrencies. The measures took actual aftereffect and this additionally led to the actual abatement in the traded volumes of centralized exchanges. On the added hand, the advance in P2P volumes appears to appearance that traders accept switched to platforms which the CBN cannot ascendancy or censor.

Ghana Overtakes South Africa

The aforementioned data shows that second-ranked Kenya’s June traded volumes alone to $13.4 actor from the $16.5 actor that was recorded in May. However, this bead represents the aboriginal time the country’s upwards volumes advance trend has been burst so far this year.

Meanwhile, the latest abstracts shows that Ghana has now replaced South Africa as the country with the third-highest P2P bitcoin trades afterwards its volumes topped $11.2 actor in June. With traded volumes of $7.7 million, South Africa is now ranked fourth on the continent. The Central Africa Republic, which recorded volumes of beneath than $50,000 in June 2025, is in fifth abode afterwards trades account $1.85 actor were recorded in June 2025.

What are your thoughts on the latest African P2P bitcoin traded volumes? Tell us what you anticipate in the comments area below.

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