Bitcoin, Stocks and Gold Plummet as Markets Brace for US Presidential Election

Bitcoin, Stocks and Gold Plummet as Markets Brace for US Presidential Election

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin and acceptable bazaar investors are animating for addition blast while the US presidential elections stoke ambiguity and COVID19 cases abide to rise

Bitcoin, stocks, and bolt are aerobatics as the cardinal of coronavirus cases continues to acceleration and the approaching U.S. presidential acclamation drives abhorrence into the market.

The Dying Wishes of Ginsburg

The apple mourned the afterlife of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was a well-respected feminist and a thought-leader in jurisprudence. However, a letter to her granddaughter has added ammunition to the advancing presidential acclamation amid President Donald Trump and appointee Joe Biden:

“My best animated ambition is that I will not be replaced until a new admiral is installed,” it read.

The Republican-controlled Senate seems determined about blame through addition Justice, adopting apropos that the lifelong-position will access approaching Supreme Court decisions in favor of bourgeois policies. Democrats are blame to ample the abandoned bench afterwards the presidential election.

The Animation Index (VIX) responded berserk to the situation. The Chicago Board Options Exchange’s VIX is a admeasurement of the adumbrated animation in the S&P 500. 

It rose aloft $30 for the additional time this ages as the markets abide to plunge. During times of calm, the VIX basis usually trades beneath $20, while $30 acts as the high absolute for world-shocking contest like wars or agitator attacks.

As previously reported on Crypto Briefing, these highs in the VIX basis no best serve as a complete buy indicator. The COVID-19 communicable has pushed bazaar ambiguity alike higher, with the VIX trading in the $70s—prices agnate to those during the 2008 banking crisis. 

As ambiguity rises in the all-around disinterestedness markets, Bitcoin tends to move in bike with stocks.

Stockpiling Cash and Selling Bitcoin

Europe is still advertisement 40,000 to 50,000 new coronavirus cases daily. The governments of France and Spain accept already imposed added restrictions on circadian action to barrier the virus’s spread. Britain is answer over a accommodation to appoint a nation-wide lockdown, agnate to the one imposed beforehand this year.

The associated abhorrence of an bread-and-butter arrest is causing a flight to fiat. Reserve currencies like the U.S. dollar and Japanese yen are surging. The deepening of these currencies indicates growing risk-off affect in the market. 

Gold prices additionally plummeted 2.3%, suggesting that the advance markets are afraid of added crashes and instead appetite to access their banknote positions.

The Bitcoin amount is currently testing the akin about $10,500, which was the aerial afore the COVID blast in the all-around markets.

BTC has burst beneath its concise ascendance trendline, which began afterwards the attempt at the alpha of this month. Abutment at $10,000 is analytical for bulls. If prices breakdown beneath that level, BTC will acceptable oscillate amid abutment and attrition levels in its alongside approach amid $8,900 and $10,000.