Columbia University Examines Blockchain’s Role in Journalism

Columbia University Examines Blockchain’s Role in Journalism

THELOGICALINDIAN - Columbia Universitys Tow Center for Digital Journalism afresh captivated a console analytical blockchains role in the journalism world

The Columbia Journalism Review reported on the October 19th panel in epitomize yesterday. The accident was entitled “Blockchain in Journalism: Promise and Practice.”

The Tow Center is allotment of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, purveyors of the acclaimed Pulitzer Prize. The Tow Center mission statement says:

With its accent on abstruse change, it comes as no abruptness that the Center is agog on exploring the accord amid journalism and blockchain.

Two Worlds Collide

The Columbia Journalism Review‘s Mia Shuang Li notes that the event garnered a absolute spectrum of panelists from the realms of blockchain and journalism. Civil Foundation CEO Vivian Schiller and ZigZag podcast’s Manoush Zomorodi were axial to the panel:

Other contributors included Columbia researcher Eran Tromer, Forbes arch of Product & Tech Salah Zalatimo, New York Times researcher Nellie Bowles, and Jarrod Dicker, CEO of

The absoluteness of the console can be beheld below:

Rising to the Challenges…

Shuang Li describes a alternation of three challenges that blockchain journalism poses. According to the panel, the aboriginal claiming deals with the accord amid blockchain and crypto — too generally blockchain maintains a “stigma” due to its affiliation with cryptocurrency. The accepted suspects of the stigma accommodate animation and accepted reputability.

The additional claiming deals with the affair of advice the realities of blockchain to the layperson. Manoush Zomorodi addendum that his podcast is an addendum of this effort.

The final claiming is that of “flawed […] artefact design,” and unrefined interfaces which advance to a accident of assurance and accord in blockchain-related journalism projects. Shuang Li mentions that “Nieman Lab’s John Keefe affected that it takes 44 steps to acquirement CVL, the badge that admiral Civil.”

…Or Overly Optimistic?

Despite a bright angel of the challenges ahead, some panelists acquainted a faculty of skepticism appear over-excitement:

Shuang Li animadversion that Postlight CEO and panelist Paul Ford said, “The accomplished affair is a behemothic under-construction GIF.”

Bitcoinist has ahead appear on a advanced ambit of crypto activities occurring at the world’s top universities. Despite a agnosticism amid above universities to accept crypto donations, abounding schools are accumulation blockchain and crypto classes. These classes and programs are berserk popular across the US. Amid the nations best universities alms crypto classes, Stanford University afresh topped the list.

What are your thoughts on Columbia University’s blockchain and journalism panel? Don’t alternate to let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Shutterstock, YouTube (Columbia Journalism School)