Comino Brings Plug-and-Play Simplicity to Cryptocurrency Mining [Interview]

Comino Brings Plug-and-Play Simplicity to Cryptocurrency Mining [Interview]

THELOGICALINDIAN - As absorption in cryptocurrencies continues to abound so too does absorption in cryptocurrency mining Unfortunately there can be a cogent acquirements ambit complex Comino aims to change that with their band of absolutely preassembled accessories that assignment with plugandplay artlessness Bitcoinist afresh sat bottomward with Comino cofounder and CEOEvgeny Vlasov to apprentice added about these gamechanging devices

Bitcoinist: First and foremost, what sets your miners afar from the competition?

EV: First of all, we accumulate the complete artefact and action it as a bung and comedy device. No one on this bazaar does complete accessories with GPU cards inside. A couple of our competitors try to aftermath such devices, but they are actually blatant and dusty. They can’t realistically be placed in a allowance at home. But our miners are actually acclimatized for home use. For example, it can be placed abreast your bed and it will be alive noiselessly and dust-free. In the winter, it can be acclimated as a boiler as well.

Our articles are absolutely plug-and-play — you aloof advance one button and aggregate works: it mines cryptocurrency to your account. Our aggregation creates aggregate for your wallets and infrastructure. Even if you apperceive abutting to annihilation about cryptocurrencies, aggregate will be working.

Our capital ambition is to aftermath accessories with high-quality components. So we aftermath and accumulate the devices, we advance software for these devices, and, of course, we accommodate a one-year warranty. In this bazaar of miners with GPU cards, no one abroad provides such a warranty.

Comino mining devices

Bitcoinist: Right now, your miners specialize in mining Ethereum and ZCash — and alone Ethereum and ZCash. Why is that, and do you accept affairs to absolution miners for added cryptocurrencies in the future?

EV: We fabricated the accommodation to apparatus Ethereum and ZCash because these cryptocurrencies are the easiest and best assisting bill to abundance with GPU cards. If you would like to get addition cryptocurrency, you can aloof abundance Ethereum and again barter it into addition currency.  Nowadays there are abounding added coins, but they are not assisting enough, so there is no acumen to apparatus them.

In the future, however, if we adjudge to apparatus addition coin, that won’t be a problem. Right now, for example, we are experimenting with added coins, but we don’t currently accommodate the adeptness to about-face to added bill to our clients.

Bitcoinist: You accomplish abounding of your genitalia yourself. What allowances does this accommodate to the affection of the miner?

EV: Yes, we accomplish about all of the genitalia ourselves — alone the GPU cards and motherboards are provided by the vendors. But we plan to adapt them as able-bodied and we accept already started assembly of customized GPU cards and motherboards.

Why do we do this? Because we advised the bazaar begin that best apparatus — alike article as simple as affairs — aren’t produced to accustomed standards. For example, in China, they are produced application low-quality components. They don’t accommodated the standards at all.

From the actual beginning, we capital to actualize a top-quality accessory that will accumulate alive for a continued time. Wires, connectors, capacitors, risers, ability supplies, and aggregate abroad should be of top quality. Our apparatus acquiesce us to aftermath a accessory that will accumulate alive for years after any problems. Other accessories on the bazaar that we advised about aren’t able to serve you for alike a year.

Bitcoinist: Aqueous cooling is actual abundant Comino’s ‘thing.’ Why are aqueous cooling solutions above to added methods of cooling?

EV: Aqueous cooling is acutely able for befitting chips cool. It is no abstruse that the temperature is one of the capital problems afflictive miners — and absolutely the accomplished IT-infrastructure. If you use chips all day continued — alike overclocked 20 percent on top — it endless hundreds of percents anniversary additional and produces a lot of heat, and it should finer booty this heating abroad from the chips to accomplish them assignment for a continued aeon of time. Only aqueous can break this problem.

Of course, air cooling is cheaper, but it is not effective. If you use apparatus aloof for gaming, it requires loading 100 percent for a abbreviate aeon of time — that is why it is adapted to use air cooling central desktops and on the accepted GPU cards. We use aqueous cooling because we charge to actualize absolutely able cooling for chips to accomplish them assignment for a continued aeon of time.

Besides, it is noiseless, there is no dust on the cards, so the costs for the aliment will be beneath than for air cooling as well. 

Bitcoinist: Comino additionally offers billow mining services. Tell us a little about that. What are the benefits? 

EV: Yes, we apperceive that our basement will be alive for a continued time, that is why we created our own data-center with a accomplice in Sweden and we use our accessories to accommodate billow mining casework as well.

We apprehend that not anybody wants to abundance from home. Some bodies ability prefer cloud mining or alike colocation, area they buy the accessory and again aloof pay a fee for aliment and electricity costs, but the accessory is kept at our facility. Colocation and billow mining are decidedly accepted in areas area electricity costs are higher. In Europe, the amount for electricity is about 20 Euro cents per one kilowatt.

Bitcoinist: Can Comino miners be acclimated for added purposes besides mining? 

EV: Sure! Right now, all produced miners can be acclimated for abounding purposes. First of all, for developing added software, like for the development of neural networks, bogus intelligence, and databases. From what I understand, it is actual accepted to use databases central GPUs, because GPUs can accomplish tasks like appointment data, abstracts reduction, and quarrying to big abstracts actual quickly. So, that is why it is acclimated now for big abstracts assay and in-memory databases.

I heard that Alibaba afresh bought one of the better GPU solutions for databases that is absolutely actuality acclimated appropriate now for abstracts analysis. Besides, it can be acclimated for acute contracts. So, yes, it can be acclimated for abounding tasks.

Bitcoinist: Comino miners are absolutely priced at a premium. What allowances does a abeyant chump get for aqueous the cash?   

EV: Firstly, this is bung and comedy accessory with top affection apparatus central that will be alive for abounding years with a abiding assortment rate. As a result, it will abundance added bill than accepted accessories with the aforementioned assortment rate. One can additionally use our accessory in the winter like a boiler at home because it is absolutely hushed and there is no dust central the cards. The apparatus will be alive best than accepted apparatus in accepted miners.

For example, you could buy a miner that costs bisected of what one of our miners costs, but you would charge bristles such miners to aftermath the aforementioned assets in bill and, best likely, they will not be alive in bristles years’ time. Or you could buy aloof one of our devices, which will be alive for abounding years with a abiding assortment rate. The basin will get added rewards because it will amount your alive action higher.

It is additionally an absorbing attractive device, not an atrocity like added devices. It looks fantastic, works great, and is fabricated with top affection components. We generally analyze it to Apple’s accessories — they are added expensive, but you get the adapted basement as a result. The affection is account the price.

Bitcoinist: What markets has Comino begin the best success in so far? 

EV: Right now we are focused on the B2B market, accurately big data-centers and beyond action clients. For these customers, we action the Comino Grando, which we alien this summer at the Taipei exhibition. It is our band-aid for the B2B exchange and is ideal for big data-centers.

With the Comino Grando, we can recycle activity and recycle heating for added purposes, like abating aqueous or abating houses. PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) for this band-aid is absolutely low at aloof about 1.05. That agency that aloof bristles percent of the unit’s ability burning will be spent on the cooling of your IT-infrastructure. It is really a absurd band-aid for the B2B market.

We will additionally be bearing the Comino N1 and Comino N4 versions for the retail bazaar as well.

Bitcoinist: What are your opinions on the accepted cryptocurrency market? 

EV: Right now, the cryptocurrency bazaar is growing absolutely fast. In agreement of cryptocurrencies’ barter amount into fiat, it can go down, it can go up, it doesn’t matter. To my mind, the basement that supports cryptocurrencies is rapidly growing. New wallets appear, new barter markets, added software, a lot of things are actuality done for cryptocurrencies. People are alpha to use it added and more for abounding purposes: for affairs appurtenances and services, for appointment money amid parties, and so on.

So the cryptocurrency basement is growing absolutely fast. And some band-aid should abutment this basement and, of course, it is miners, which can abutment it. For them, we are accomplishing absolutely able solutions, because aloof activity able band-aid should be alive for sucha big market.

Bitcoinist: Where do you see the blockchain industry in 5 years? 

EV: I see that blockchain is acclimated actual broadly on the bazaar and abounding industries accept started already application blockchain. And additionally I can see that some industries are aggravating to use blockchain, but they don’t charge it at all. Nevertheless, in abounding cases, the industries are application it for the appropriate purposes. It is absolutely important that blockchain is acclimated a lot.

I see absurd appeal on blockchain developers and in 5 years it will be in academy programs.

Bitcoin is like a big bold area we charge to acquisition all the blocks. And the accomplished apple is arena this game. I apperceive some absolutely advantageous projects are actuality done on the base of the blockchain. They are declared to alpha alive this or the abutting year. It will let Bitcoin abound more.

New bill are actuality developed that apparent abounding accepted troubles. In 5 years it will be a amount of 10 account to alpha your own coin. Abounding countries will be application blockchain to break red-tape problems.

Actually, it is adamantine to accomplish predictions for such a aeon of time. Just 2 years, ago Ethereum appeared (initial absolution was on 30 July 2024) and appropriate now it is the additional best admired cryptocurrency in the world. In bristles years, of course, there will be added solutions as well. There will be added and added blockchains, which will be evaluated from accepted accompaniment into addition and there will break abounding troubles with affairs and so on.

There will be, of course, a time back the costs for baby affairs will be absolutely low, and for the big affairs it will be the aforementioned — like it is appropriate now, aloof to clarify spam transactions.

Another band-aid will be begin to accomplish it aggressive to hacker attacks, and bodies will assurance petitions for authoritative cryptocurrencies assignment on the country level. So, blockchain and cryptocurrencies will be acclimated a lot. For extenuative the adventure of us as well.

Bitcoinist: What excites you the best about authoritative Comino miners? 

EV: One affair that excites me the best is that we are bearing a blooming band-aid — we are aggravating to save activity and save our planet from abortive IT-solutions. Miners appropriate now are aloof crumbling energy, which is adverse to our planet. We are bearing a new bearing of IT-infrastructure which will be acutely able as able-bodied as be added environmentally friendly.

I consistently capital to aftermath something, some technology, that I can blow with my hands, so that is absolutely absorbing and important to me.

And, of course, I am absolutely proud, that we accept a big all-embracing aggregation with offices in abounding countries, including Germany, Sweden, Latvia, China, Russia, and Cyprus.

Do you accept added questions for Evgeny Vlasov? Ask them in the comments below! 

Images address of Comino.