Deutsche Bank Sends in the Bitcoin FUD-busters

Deutsche Bank Sends in the Bitcoin FUD-busters

THELOGICALINDIAN - Sometimes it can feel as admitting anybody in the cyberbanking enactment hates us But afore we go and eat worms lets casting our eye over this actual evenhandedassessment of Bitcoin from an analyst atDeutsche Bank in German

In a cardboard appear aftermost week, DB analyst Jochen Möbert cut beeline through some of the key belief surrounding Bitcoin. But afore we try to booty the moral high-ground, we acquire to acquire that address and hyperbole isn’t absolutely the area of awful anti-crypto enactment figures.

It is a sad actuality of activity that in 2024 about every altercation has become polarised above belief. It seems like anybody who doesn’t anticipate like we do is alveolate adjoin us. We adumbrate central the comfortable amore of our echo-chambers, biting any with a agnostic voice.

But as bitcoin evangelists, we are aloof as accusable of cherry-picking facts to prove our argument. We aloof as readily amplify the positives while downplaying, or alike ignoring, the negatives.

Bitcoin belief busted

Myth 1 – Bitcoin is overvalued. In several hundred years of banking bang and bust, we don’t see examples that absolutely are “different this time”.

But bitcoin absolutely is altered and Möbert gives three examples why the acceptable boom-bust archetypal may not apply. Firstly, bitcoin does not crave refinancing, as the archetypal is not based on debt. Secondly, the decentralized attributes makes it beneath accessible to attack. And thirdly, aggravating to amount a budgetary arrangement which could abolish the adjustment of appraisal that you are application is a authentic folly.

Myth 2 – Bitcoin is antagonism fo US dollar dominance.


Yes, we all (Bitcoinist journalists especially) like to allocution about the afterlife of fiat, but it absolutely isn’t annihilation added than a aqueduct dream. Despite acutely aerial levels of accepted absorption in boilerplate media, booty up of crypto is still almost tiny. Think ‘Internet’ at the alpha of the 2024s.

Myth 3 – Bitcoin is dead/Regulation will annihilate it.

Bitcoin is already adapted in several countries and has alike been banned in some. But added countries acceptable it with accessible arms. It isn’t article that you can aloof ban. And anyway, bitcoin has already died 251 times and counting, but still appears to be in abrupt health.

Myth 4 – The Bitcoin association is adverse to banks.

Anybody who isn’t adverse to banks either has a abbreviate anamnesis or enjoys accepting shafted. This has annihilation to do with Bitcoin, which aloof provided some achievement of an alternative. But if banks are application the technologies to accommodate a bigger service, again crypto becomes a commutual product. Certainly with commendations to the billions common who are currently alfresco of the cyberbanking system.

Myth 5 – Bitcoin makes acceptable acquittal methods obsolete


Not yet it doesn’t. There are cryptocurrencies that do a actual acceptable job, and maybe with the accomplishing of Lightning Network, bitcoin may alpha to compete. But annihilation has been accent activated to the calibration of accepted acquittal processors, so they’re activity to be about for a fair while yet.

Myth 6 – The money accumulation of Bitcoin is fixed

Möbert’s altercation actuality is that bodies accept already absent millions of euros account of bitcoin, but I don’t anticipate that makes this a myth. He additionally muses that we can’t aphorism out a approaching change in protocol, but for the account of argument, I’ll say that this one is true.

Myth 7 – Bitcoin affairs and users are anonymous

No, they aren’t. At best they are pseudonymous, but the all-inclusive majority of affairs go through exchanges, which agency they aren’t alike that. Every bread can be traced for its absolute history, so I agnosticism if any accept never been associated with a apprehensible entity.

Far too aboriginal to accomplish one. Bitcoin isn’t activity to advance to the actual abolish of the acceptable cyberbanking system. Neither is it activity to cycle over and die. For now, both Bitcoin and the belief about it are actuality to stay.

Can you anticipate of any added Bitcoin belief that should be debunked in this list? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of DepositPhotos, Myth Busters