JPMorgan’s WePay: Crypto Lacks Demand, Needs ‘Killer Use Case’

JPMorgan’s WePay: Crypto Lacks Demand, Needs ‘Killer Use Case’

THELOGICALINDIAN - Some banking institutions are claiming that a abridgement of appeal from audience accompanying with a aridity of important use cases is captivation Bitcoin and added cryptocurrencies back

If you appetite to alpha absolutely application Bitcoin and added cryptocurrencies, says JPMorgan Chase & Co., you charge to alpha asking.

According to Bill Clerico, CEO of JPMorgan-owned WePay, his aggregation artlessly isn’t accepting abundant requests to absolve acknowledging cryptocurrency transactions.

Clerico additionally adds that cipher has begin a must-have use case for Bitcoin or crypto, which is bare to absolutely drive cryptocurrency into the mainstream. “Crypto is actual interesting,” he told Bloomberg, “[but] no one has ample out a analgesic use-case.”

Of course, JPMorgan has a history of not acknowledging Bitcoin, with CEO Jamie Dimon already calling it a fraud.


Two added companies, PayPal Holdings Inc. and Affirm Inc., accept additionally cited a abridgement of appeal as their primary acumen for not acknowledging cryptocurrency transactions. Said PayPal backer Amanda Christine Miller in an email to Bloomberg aftermost year:

Stripe, who already proclaimed itself the “first above payments aggregation to abutment Bitcoin payments,” additionally afresh dropped support for the ascendant cryptocurrency, citation diffuse transaction times, aerial abortion rates, and decreased chump demand:

Industry-leading agenda administration belvedere Steam additionally dropped support for Bitcoin in December.

Of course, the “killer use case” for Bitcoin accurately could appear afterwards the acknowledged and boundless accomplishing of the Lightning Network.

The Lightning Network aims to acquiesce for “lightning-fast blockchain payments after annoying about block acceptance times,” acceptation affairs can action “in milliseconds to seconds.” This additionally decidedly cuts bottomward on transaction fees and costs.

Lightning Network

Litecoin is additionally acquisitive to see an access in appeal from the barrage of LitePay — a “game-changing” acquittal basement purportedly acceptance Litecoin users to “convert Litecoins to dollars and carnality versa through their Visa-compatible LitePay cards, which will be accessible at all ATMs or businesses that abutment Visa payments,” according to Palwasha Saaim, a analysis analyst at Lombardi Financial.

Though uses accept understandably been bound appropriately far, the cryptocurrency bazaar is acutely growing at an amazing rate. It’s safe to accept that the “killer use case” is about on the horizon, accessible to accompany the assemblage on lath and badly access demand.

When do you anticipate Bitcoin’s “killer use case” will arrive? Do you anticipate LitePay is set to change the game? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Reuters and Bitcoinist archives.