The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 11 – Live Minting, NFT Parties, And ASAP Rocky

The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 11 – Live Minting, NFT Parties, And ASAP Rocky

THELOGICALINDIAN - Tonight on The Andy Milonakis NFT Show a videoheavy adventure in which we get to see Milonakis bathe with ASAP Rocky But aboriginal we analyze the New York burghal NFT arena through Andy Milonakis lens and get to see how a atypical abstraction plays out A alive minting of NFTs Before that admitting Andy has to avert the stars of the aftermost adventure The Island Boys We dont apperceive what Andy is responding to because the being deleted the accomplished annual afterwards accepting this exact beating

And then, the reveal. Andy Milonakis was an Island Boy all along.

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Milonakis’ Plans To Support New Artists

Great news! Andy wants to “help artists accomplish some sales and abound their name.” So, back his capital NFT alternation is ready, he’s activity to “do IRL agenda art shows and put calm a alternation of 1/1s from added artists but beneath my account, that I promote.” Better yet, the artists will get 100% of the sale.

However, don’t spam Milonakis with your artwork aloof yet. He’ll “make an official advertisement back I’m accessible to alpha the series.

Speaking about his NFT series, it’s advancing in a brace of weeks. And the Discord exploited, and at the time of autograph has added than 8000 associates and bags of activity.

Live Minting With Bright Moments DAO

This one we’ve never apparent before. Bright Moments is an “NFT Art Gallery DAO,” they threw a alive minting accident for their NFT activity CryptoCitizens. Of course, they arrive Andy Milonakis to excellent a CryptoNewYorker for free.

Here, a Bright Moments adumbrative explains what a DAO is and how the alive minting works.

And then, we can see Milonakis accepting his anew minted CryptoNewYorker. They present him as a adumbrative of Staten Island, so, as one does, Andy makes a Wu-Tang Clan reference. Nobody in the admirers gets it, which is heartbreaking, but we won’t authority them adjoin them.

In addition video from the aforementioned night, amateur and ex-Spider-Man Tobey Maguire receives his own NFT.

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The Bored Apes Yacht Party

There’s a affair activity on in NYC. Assistants were appropriate to appearance affidavit of buying of a BAYC. Milonakis not alone had admission to all areas, but he additionally got this air-conditioned gear:

At the party, Andy met with belled collectors.

Plus, he advised a apparel contest.

Milonakis additionally got an Anonymice chain.

The abstraction of bringing NFTs into the absolute apple seems to be this episode’s affiliation tissue. There’s absolutely a big business befalling actuality if any of you readers has the abilities to aftermath article wearable to affectation NFTs.

Related Reading | Blocking Kylie Jenner Over A BAYC: A NFT Manifesto

Anyway, aback to the story. Andy Milonakis absent the baiter and had no best but to accumulate on partying. Because of that added time, he got to rap alongside ASAP Rocky. The blow of the cypher, of course, went viral. Even XXL Magazine acquaint it.

After that, Milonakis organizes a revolution. As it seems, he’s the one befitting the affair animate and demography them all on a pizza acreage trip… but wait, what’s up with that animation agent that goes by?

And that’s our eleventh adventure of The Andy Milonakis NFT show. As you can see, NFTs are ample out of the awning and demography the streets.