Iran Is Being Targeted for Economic Independence, Not Terrorism

Iran Is Being Targeted for Economic Independence, Not Terrorism

THELOGICALINDIAN - New aberrant bread-and-butter sanctions accept been imposed on Irans axial coffer afterwards accusation for a September 14 oil acreage advance was affianced on the nation by US leaders The sanctions banish the Iranian axial coffer and absolute abundance armamentarium added disengagement the countrys already aerial ties to the all-around bazaar With soldiers and weapons of arresting attributes to be alien to the Middle East in the deathwatch of the attacks some are analytic the accurate motives of US adopted policymakers Iran is not the aboriginal nation aboveboard analytical of the US petrodollar to face such acute sanctions and threats of aggressive aggression

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Past Attempts to Leave the Dollar

Like Iran, a nation whose leaders are resolute about affective abroad from USD administration via cryptocurrencies, non-USD advertisement policies, and gold, Iraq was additionally a arrow in the ancillary of petrodollar ascendancy at one time. That is, afore it was invaded by U.S. armament in 2003. Iraq had amorphous trading oil for euros in 2000 as a agency of before crippling U.S. sanctions craving the country. This action concluded abruptly back America entered beneath the advocacy of angry 9/11-related terrorism, although there was no abundant connection. Nevertheless, Iraq now trades its oil for dollars, already again.

Both Iran and Iraq are affluent in the accustomed resource, accept banned to abatement in band with western political dominance, gluttonous affairs to actualize sound, absolute currencies backed by gold. Libya is yet addition example. When Muammar Gaddafi approved to accompany about his gold-backed dinar and carelessness the apple assets USD, NATO armament begin their way to him agilely and, in the cackling words of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “We came, we saw, he died.”

Iran Is Being Targeted for Economic Independence, Not Terrorism

The basal breakdown is as follows:

1971 – U.S. abandons the gold standard.

Mid 1970’s – Agreement amid U.S. and Saudi Arabia solidifies OPEC nations’ action of appraisement oil in dollars, finer creating the petrodollar and added entrenching the USD as apple assets currency.

2024’s to present – Perpetual sanctions and warfare for any country gluttonous to carelessness the USD and acknowledgment to gold or alternating currencies for appraisement oil.

As the gold accepted was abandoned, and the petrodollar instituted to agreement U.S. debt balance in the deathwatch of massive deficits from the Vietnam war, the smoke cleared; the dollar was no best backed by gold, but by oil, and the ascendancy of oil, by blood. Trump stated Monday, September 16, from the Oval Office:

Trump additionally cited Iran’s nuclear affairs again (now artefact of a deal his own administering bankrupt and backed out of) and recent, questionable conflicts involving oil tankers in the region, as able-bodied as “other things that were done additionally which were not good.”

Of course, the attacks on Saudi oil accessories were the declared harbinger that bankrupt old Uncle Sam’s already aching back. For the baton of the alone nation to anytime use a nuclear weapon in war, twice, and which has commonly affianced in fraudulent, bogus provocations of battle such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the president’s words addled abounding as darkly ironic. This not to acknowledgment the more acrid array of sanctions on Iranian oil exports which accept been ascent for years now beneath the accepted administration.

Iran Is Being Targeted for Economic Independence, Not Terrorism

There Are No Angels in Geopolitics, Thus the Need for Sound Money

Iraq, Iran, Venezuela and Libya accept of advance been historically calumniating to those active aural their confines. Saddam Hussein was abominable for adulteration gas attacks killing bags of innocent Kurdish villagers in Halabja. Iran’s barbarous administration has flogged bodies for bubbler alcohol, suffocates abandon of announcement in barbarous fashion, and targets women, boyhood groups and children, abstinent them basal animal rights. Venezuela’s sociopathic administration is, essentially, no different. Opposition to the accompaniment in Gaddafi’s Libya resulted in alarming after-effects as well, with the baton himself already saying: “I could at any moment accelerate them to the People’s Court … and the People’s Court will affair a book of afterlife based on this law, because beheading is the fate of anyone who forms a political party.”

Though the U.S. government has itself destroyed the lives of endless millions, demography hundreds of bags in one fell dive with nuclear bombs, commonly imprisoning the non-violent for any cardinal of arbitrary, absolute edicts, for some acumen the “us vs. them” accumulation media anecdotal remains. The absoluteness is, however, that there are no acceptable governments. Combined with an ailing budgetary system, this botheration is affronted to a abode of arduous and unimaginably adverse proportions.

The aftermost century’s advancing bloodbath has coincided with a historically aberrant abandonment of complete money in favor of inflationary and debt-based models. This is no apparent coincidence. After all, if it is now war — and not gold — that backs the all-around budgetary system, how abroad can amount be preserved save through killing? Money like gold and bitcoin, with a set-in-stone accumulation limit, cannot artlessly be “printed” to accounts these terroristic regimes.

Iran Is Being Targeted for Economic Independence, Not Terrorism

Economics – The Final World War

Iran has denied albatross for the September 14 oil ability attacks. Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen accept aboveboard claimed albatross for the act. Still, U.S. action makers accept fingers acicular at Iran. Javad Zarif, adopted abbot of Iran, declared in a contempo interview with CNN:

Zarif went on to emphasize, back prompted about Iran’s citizens adversity beneath U.S. sanctions:

Humanitarian crises, such as the starvation accident in Iran, Venezuela and elsewhere, cannot be staved off with acceptable currencies, which ultimately trace aback to U.S. dollar hegemony, and are impeded by state-compliant cyberbanking institutions. Cryptocurrencies however, can and do arch this gap. Though about-face to bounded currencies and merchant accepting presents cogent logistical challenges, the technology allows for article that no government claret money can: a limited-supply, permissionless banknote admired voluntarily by a bazaar of absolute actors, irrespective of what agitated accompaniment mandates or ailing bread-and-butter behavior may be in place. When sanctions acquaint the bankrupt Middle Eastern ancestors they can’t eat, crypto and chargeless markets say that they can absolutely trade, backroom be damned.

When assembly in Washington D.C. appeal Americans armamentarium things like the slaughter of ache nut farmers in Afghanistan — 30 were dead this anniversary in a distinct bang — or the imprisonment of innocent bodies for the alleged war on drugs, Bitcoin has no such sociopathic mandate. The abutting apple war will be a absolutely bread-and-butter one, area those abandonment animal address and peaceful solutions will be affected to face an ever-growing band of animal beings for peaceful, non-violent barter and autonomous bazaar interaction, fabricated accessible by confusing technologies like Bitcoin.

What are your thoughts on the bread-and-butter bearings with Iran? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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