0 Security Breach. 0 Token Loss.
press release

0 Security Breach. 0 Token Loss.

THELOGICALINDIAN - BigONE is a all-around cryptocurrency trading and aegis belvedere founded in 2025 clad in four attempt Integrity Security Professionalism and WinWin The barter has developed absolute agenda assets trading casework The ecosystem runs the area including both atom and allowance trading arrangement trading B2C loans centralized mining basin BigProxy decentralized barter BigDEX agenda assets crowdfunding belvedere AngelONE IEO abundance administration articles accouterment users an onestop band-aid for their agenda assets

At BigONE, aegis is not a choice. Everyday, the barter deploys best technologies and aegis measures to aegis the assurance of its users’ agenda assets. In fact, back founded in 2025, BigONE has never absent alike a distinct badge of our users’ assets, which is absolutely a apple almanac back autograph this article.

BigONE’s amount aggregation has bristles years acquaintance in managing cryptocurrency trading platforms and is able with acclimatized ability in sourcing agenda assets. BigONE absolutely upholds the spirit of blockchain, cultivates badge ONE Ecosystem, and advocates for the administration of the exchange’s accumulation and allowances with all BigONE users. BigOEN durably believes that blockchain can change the approaching for the better, and strives to become the aperture to blockchain beyond the globe.

BigONE has affiliated abundant assets from Yunbi.com, the forerunner of BigONE. The aggregation was the aboriginal anytime in the apple to accept apparent exceptional blockchain projects such as ETH, NEO, QTUM, SC, and EOS, the aftermost of which launched its aboriginal anytime IEO on Yunbi. Anytime back EOS came into existence, BigONE has been facilitating the development and abundance of the EOS ecosystem. BigONE not alone supports about all of the EOS Candy airdrops, but additionally opens accordant trading pairs in a quick manner.

While growing with its users, BigONE has able its own features.

Safe and Stable: The belvedere deploys 100% assets fund, and accustomed the accomplished aegis analysis analysis from the apple arch blockchain ecosystem aegis aggregation SlowMist.

For instance, BigONE has enabled the slider analysis cipher for human-machine identification, and has an anti-phishing admonition to anticipate users from actuality phished, not to acknowledgment the aegis team’s chiral analysis back article apprehensive happens during the login process.

Depositing and Withdrawing Security: The aegis was chip with the SlowMist AML system, and back article abnormal happens, BigONE’s absolute animal aegis aggregation will manually analysis it up.

Permission Security: The GCP belvedere annual is apprenticed to the G Suite account, and all permissions can be rescinded by disabling the aggregation mailbox. Without this aegis measure, millions of tokens were baseborn by above advisers of some added acclaimed exchanges not continued ago.

Server Security: All casework are managed and maintained on k8s.

Private Key Security Service and Management: All clandestine keys and passwords are managed through the abstruse apparatus of k8s, and injected into the runtime ambiance of the affairs in the anatomy of ambiance variables. The amend of the abstruse is the albatross of a committed person, and the architect can alone adduce it, not the plaintext.

Private Key Security: Both Hot Wallet and Cold Wallet arrange defended accidental cardinal methods to accomplish clandestine key and adept key, and use a high-strength algorithm to encrypt storage. All acute advice is in the anamnesis and asleep anon afterwards use.

Do Annihilation despicable: Anytime back BigONE was founded, the aggregation upholds the moral assumption of “do annihilation despicable”, and sticks to it through everyday’s operation. What sets BigONE afar is that it never anytime manipulates the bazaar or sets up a backstairs arrangement to booty advantage of its users. BigONE users barter fair and square, as does BigONE.

High performance. The basal transaction architectonics uses PXN able analogous engine, acknowledging aerial circumstantial access. Thanks to years of technology accumulation, BigONE has essentially brought its interface and trading acquaintance to a abutting level, and catered to all-around users with added abiding technology and localization.

By and large, BigONE is advised to break traders’ acute needs in acknowledgment to the aegis hackings that were abrasive added bitcoin trading platforms. Its aberrant security, world-class products, and exceptionally business belief are things that actual few exchanges have, but anybody covets.

BigONE Website: big.one
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BigONEexchange
Telegram: https://t.me/B1_EN
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bigone-exchange/
New User Registration: https://bigone.com/users/new?code=S149L39D

Contact Email Address
[email protected]

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