Blockchain-based Nova-Token Platform Set to Launch ICO

Blockchain-based Nova-Token Platform Set to Launch ICO

THELOGICALINDIAN - Digital agenda amateur are an beginning billion dollar bazaar with abeyant for added advance In actuality this area is projected to abound by 40 percent amid 2024 and 2024 Up until now there accept been few advances to enhance online agenda gaming and affairs The Nova Blitz aggregation is about to change that

What is Nova Blitz?

Nova Blitz is a advocate real-time trading agenda game, with fast-paced gameplay, strategy, mind-games and bluffing. Participants comedy accompanying and can acknowledge to anniversary others’ every move in real-time. And, in combat, hidden advance and block orders let you barefaced and counter-bluff your opponent.

Nova Blitz is alive now on Steam, and in beta for both Android and iOS. Both Richard Garfield, the architect of Magic: The Gathering, and Skaff Elias, the architect of the Magic Pro Tour, provided appointment during the development of Nova Blitz.

What is the Nova Token Platform?

The Nova Token Belvedere is a Blockchain-based agenda gaming platform, area players can use Nova Token to create, advertise and barter cards in any agenda game. Not alone that, but players can additionally acquire cards through a proof-of-stake concept. The belvedere enables users to barter cards, acquire new ones and participate in tournaments.

Currently, players are alone able to hire cards, the actuality of these cards is questionable, they are difficult to advertise or barter and players are not able to account financially from a centralized card-trading system. On Nova Token Platform, players can use Nova Token to own the cards and barter them freely, be assured that these cards are accurate and account from the decentralized attributes of the platform.

Benefits for players and developers 

The belvedere goes above artlessly gaming and agenda trading, as it harnesses the advantages of Blockchain technology to accommodate added aegis for the agenda trading and holding. It is the alone belvedere area gamers will absolutely own their cards. Additionally, the decentralized attributes of the belvedere allows players to partake in the profits, clashing its centralized counterparts.

Developers angle to account absolutely a bit from the avant-garde anatomy of the Nova Token Platform. First of all, they can acquire up to 90 percent of the acquirement from Nova Token sales. Second, they can accommodate any bold into the clash and agenda trading infrastructure. Third, they accept automated admission to the Nova Token Platform amateur base. Finally and best importantly, developers can be acceptable for allotment for their projects.

Proof-of-stake and agenda trading

This apparatus works for cards in the aforementioned way that it works for tokens. The added Nova Tokens a amateur holds, the added cards they can earn. A amateur is chargeless to barter or advertise these cards at 100 percent profit. This can be actual profitable, as the accumulation of cards is capped back the cardinal of copies of a accurate agenda is bound back printed.

The Nova Token aggregation is putting advanced the Card Exchange, which is an Ethereum-based ancillary alternation that is advised to advance the Plasma Platform back launched. Using the Card Exchange, participants can buy or advertise cards, and the barter will act as a advocate amid client and agent to ensure the action was fair. In its additional iteration, Card Barter Version 2.0, the arrangement will be upgraded to accommodate an bargain abode system.

White cardboard and ICO

About a $100 mlln in anniversary acquirement is accepted amid 2017 and 2020 from agenda agenda gaming and trading. The Nova Token aggregation has a cardinal of advantages over their competitors, as they are accouterment an accessible, all-embracing belvedere area users can comedy amateur and own their cards. Their awful accomplished aggregation includes some of the best in the gaming industry and they already accept a alive alive game currently accessible on Steam, iOS and Android in beta. They explain their multi-phase advance roadmap in their white paper. Their token auction starts on Dec. 11.