Blockchain-based Streaming Platform Play2Live Successfully Broadcasted World’s First Tournament With Crypto Prize Pool

Blockchain-based Streaming Platform Play2Live Successfully Broadcasted World’s First Tournament With Crypto Prize Pool

THELOGICALINDIAN - Play2Live CryptoMasters was appointed to absolution of the 20 adaptation of MVP with avant-garde amateur and P2P CDN that was activated during the advertisement of the tournament

Play2Live (P2L), the aboriginal absolute blockchain-based alive belvedere for gamers and esports admirers auspiciously hosted and broadcasted the world’s aboriginal esport clash with the capital award-winning –  2 000 000 LUC (Level Up Coin) tokens ($100,000).

Eight all-embracing teams — 7 arrive and 1 from the accessible qualifiers, took allotment in the tournament. It has resulted in the celebration of AGO, a Polish esports organization, that took the capital award-winning of 1 000 000 LUC tokens ($ 50,000). The additional aggregation was Space Soldiers (Turkey), which accustomed 400 000 LUC tokens ($ 20,000), the third and the fourth abode with 200 000 LUC tokens ($ 10,000) award-winning pools were taken by the teams BIG (Germany) and GODSENT (Sweden).

P2P CDN technology, claimed in the company’s Whitepaper, was tasted during the clash as allotment of affirmation of the Play2Live MVP 2.0 features.

“We accept auspiciously coped with the amount of the aboriginal cyber tournament. P2P CDN technology activated during P2L CryptoMasters accustomed us to save up to 30% of cartage per abstracted stream. This gives a lot of opportunities in agreement of balance for the belvedere users. Beta adaptation with this monetization approach will already be accessible in June”, comments Alexey Burdyko, CEO and Founder at Play2Live.

The clash was broadcasted in 16 languages and acquired 950K views, active added than 120K different users. Due to the all-inclusive cartography of the broadcast, Play2Live aggregation had a adventitious to analysis belvedere accessibility for users from abounding countries and regions, including: China, South Korea, USA, Germany, France, Turkey, Russia, Balkans, Baltics and Eastern Europe.  

The aboriginal 10,000 users to annals for will accept 100 Silver LUC on the claimed annual as a bonus. During P2L CryptoMasters, added than 4,000 users registered for the platform. They were able to participate in the clash voting due to its blockchain-architecture. 0

All LUC tokens can calmly be adapted into added crypto currencies or authorization money through a appropriate barter gate/API afterwards the end of the Play2Live token-sale on March 14 at 17:00 UTC.

“I anticipate that the crypto bill award-winning basin is a new hot trend. Usually bodies amusement crypto currencies suspiciously, but for those who absolutely accept how it works, it’s accessible to acquisition amount and allowances of it. That’s why P2L CryptoMasters organizers managed to allure abstruse teams to the tournament. Majority of them accept accustomed claimed invitations and agreed to appear to Minsk to attempt for the badge prize”, comments Mateusz Kovalchuk, co-founder and lath affiliate of the AGO team.

P2L CryptoMasters took abode on February 24-25, in Minsk, Belarus on Falcon Arena in advanced of the bags of viewers. More than 50 bodies took allotment in the alignment of the tournament. The accident was broadcasted in 16 languages.

“Only a few esports accident are broadcasted in so abounding languages. We coped anon with 16 groups of streamers. It wasn’t easy, but back it was the world’s aboriginal esports clash with crypto award-winning pool, it was acute for us to accord the befalling to see it built-in languages to as abounding bodies as possible, admitting their location. Blockchain and Esports are the future, and we are abiding that there are activity to be added tournaments like soon,” comments Ignat Bobrovich, CEO of TwoGNation, abstruse accomplice and organizer of the event.

Play2Live CryptoMasters clash was the aboriginal accident broadcasted on platform. To apprentice added about all the broadcasts, you can subscribe to the official Play2Live channels in amusing networks and break tuned.

More about Play2Live:

Founded in 2017, Play2Live aims to absorb blockchain technology with alive services. Its mission is to actualize an ecosystem area every actor — the viewer, the streamer, and the esports clash organizer — is allotment of a seamless arrangement that favors alternation amid admirers and the assortment of monetization schemes. Essentially, everybody can be allotment of the peer-to-peer interaction, and everybody —  even the viewer —  is able to acquire money.

Play2Live uses a badge alleged Level Up Coin (LUC) which acts as a sole centralized bill aural the system. It can be calmly adapted to added cryptocurrencies or to authorization money through a gateway/API.

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