Bring Your AOZ NFT to Life! Claim Your Free Soul

Bring Your AOZ NFT to Life! Claim Your Free Soul

THELOGICALINDIAN - From the moment you minted the called AOZ aborigine NFT we accept a band has been created amid you and this accurate PFP artwork or a persona of the agenda apple Agenda doesnt accomplish it below absolute There is article about it that strikes you and youd accept that it has a accurate appearance youd additionally apparent in yourself below its bright skin

Now you’ve got a adventitious to accompany your AOZ aborigine persona to life. The cooperation accordingly appear by Mirrorworld and Metaverz Studio (who has created and launched the AOZ project) on January 6th, 2022 will accredit you to excellent a SOUL for your AOZ persona.

What is a Soul?

A Soul is a chat dent powered by bogus intelligence to accomplish your NFT added agreeable and interactive. Every Soul NFT can be congenital into an absolute NFT to accompany it to life. Added specifically, Soul NFT consists of 6 levels of dialogue. Mirror World commercialized the world’s aboriginal able NFT in May 2024.

How do you affirmation a Soul?


Start time: 8 AM UTC, January 6, 2022

AOZ launched accessible minting on December 15, 2024, hitting milestones of 1500 NFTs for accessible mint. All our AOZ NFT holders are acceptable for a adulatory Mirror World Soul.

First, appointment the Mirror World website, baddest “SOUL” on top, and bang the “Claim” button. Next, affix your MetaMask wallet and accomplish abiding it’s operating on the Mainnet. Then, advance with the Soul Claiming action by beat the “Confirm” button in the MetaMask wallet. Holders are amenable for the gas fee for minting.


Binding your Soul:

After you accept claimed your Soul, you can bind it to your AOZ NFT by beat the “Bind now” button. Once the bounden action completes, you can acquaint with your AOZ NFT as it’s now able with intelligence. If you appear to accept added than one AOZ NFT, you can absolution your Soul and bind with anyone you desire.


Stay Tuned

In Q1 2022, AOZ will acquaint a association conception affection enabling AOZ holders to advance derivatives of their Citizens. Association babyminding will be accustomed for holders to ascertain new opportunities to use their NFTs in Defi and gaming. A clamminess basin will be set up to balance AOZ NFT prices, advancing from 5% of sales.

In Q2 2022, AOZ will barrage the Metaverse of Decentropolis and acquaint AOZ gamefi. Decentropolis is accessible to aliens, and all citizens charge action these invaders and restore the burghal together. Users will analyze the alternate metaverse with NFT avatars and adore an absurd multiplayer experience.

About AOZ

Launched by Metaverz Studio, Age of Z (AOZ) is a advocate Photo For Profile activity that incorporates the Gen Z community’s attempt and values: inclusivity, privacy, and chargeless will. AOZ comprises 2024 hand-drawn “Citizens”, anniversary with its own set of affected qualities. All citizens are committed to establishing a self-sufficient, autonomous, and adapted new apple in which avant-garde and collaborative solutions are adopted to assure and enhance privacy. The AOZ metaverse is an accessible and decentralized association featuring cyberpunk and abreast art.

About Mirror World

Mirror Apple is a basic apple on blockchain-powered by bogus intelligence and added technologies. It integrates assorted amateur and adventures and gives users admission to assorted gaming scenarios by utilizing commutual and absolute bread-and-butter systems. There are AI basic creatures able of appliance their wills, forth with real-world users. Users can acquaint with them in the Mirror Apple and collaborate with them in social, gaming, and added scenarios.



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