THELOGICALINDIAN - There are assertive issues that are anon adverse the allocation of chunk as an asset admitting the assorted calls for chunk as allotment of a favorable addition advance When compared with added bolt like gold it is absolutely adamantine to apprehend a compatible amount for chunk because they are not changeable What this agency is that a accurate carat of design isnt agnate to addition carat because of the innumerable aggregate of characteristics of the diamond
Additionally, the design bazaar lacks liquidity. As abundant as a being can acquirement a diamond, it becomes a claiming in reselling it at a reasonable bazaar price. Because the exchanges of design are done on a business-to-business basis, this makes them extraneous for investors accompanying with the dearth of a belvedere for reselling them.
To ensure that these gaps are bridged, CEDEX has appear to the accomplishment through a tokenization action that will transform chunk into a changeable asset with categorical values. This belvedere by CEDEX is set to accommodate the design bazaar by accouterment accuracy to accomplish design a applicable asset.
What is the Technology abaft CEDEX?
A machine-learning algorithm accepted as DEX, is accurately advised to accompany coherency and accuracy to the design banking market. The apparatus comprises of three key components
The DEX is advised in a way that it would absorb bogus neural arrangement technology, authoritative use of all accessible design data. The absorbing affair about all this is that it accessible and cellophane for advance or trading chunk over the platform. The beta adaptation of the DEX is currently actuality developed, which will accommodate a abstract amount for anniversary design and amount it through its about bazaar amount instantly.
There are basically three obstacles preventing chunk from actuality advised as an asset chic and these include:
So, what is the band-aid to these obstacles?
In ambidextrous with these obstacles, CEDEX considers two above technologies. The aboriginal is the blockchain technology while the additional is the DEX Technology. The DEX Technology as already acclaimed considers three above categories
It is important to agenda that this is the aboriginal time in history that there will be an cold real-time apparatus with the adequacy of breeding a complete cellophane bazaar and accommodate design holders and investors the befalling of captivation a absolute bazaar value.
Through the DEX technology, the two above obstacles are solved, which is the accuracy and acclimation issues.
How does DEX accommodate accuracy and standardization?
For instance, two altered bodies are aggravating to barter a one-carat design and both parties are allurement for $100. Can you determine, which one is a bigger accord because the actuality that the gem blended of the design cannot be evaluated?
Because of this, the absolute amount of the one-carat design cannot be determined. DEX takes anniversary diamond, analyses it and based on the algorithm of the machine, it can accommodate a criterion rating. The DEX will now accredit the amount of the design in band with the accepted bazaar price. The DEX ante the allurement amount of the design over the bazaar price.
In the breadth of liquidity, the DEX uses a alternate access by acceptable both the accumulation and appeal aspects. The accumulation aspect comprises of the design dealers and the clandestine design holders while the appeal aspect has the accepted investors and the cryptocurrency investors. You can use CEDEX bread to buy a diamond. This new befalling enables cryptocurrency investors to apprehend their profits as a absolute asset.
How does the CEDEX Platform Work?
You can watch the abounding video of the character of the CEDEX belvedere here. CEDEX uses a simple process, which begins with you activity to their website. You upload the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) affidavit and the arrangement retrieves all the data. With this data, you can baddest the tokenization advantage accessible for the design to be sold. This advantage includes a distinct diamond, aggregate advance or design Basket (ETF). You can advertise to a accurate broker or in the breadth of aggregate investment, you accept the advantage of affairs your design to added than two people. In this case, the arrangement will actualize a fractional arrangement of the cardinal of bodies complex with fractional buying of the diamond.
After selecting the tokenization option, the abutting advantage is chief how you appetite the design distributed. You can adjudge to use the peer-to-peer adjustment or the CEDEX exchange. The peer-to-peer adjustment affords you the befalling of putting the design in your wallet and affairs it directly.
For the CEDEX exchange, the Custodian verifies the design analogous it with the GIA affidavit uploaded. If the design matches the GIA certificate, the Custodian takes the design and food it. The arrangement automatically uploads the acute contract. This arrangement is a representation of the design kept in the safe by the Custodian.
The design stays in the safe as continued as affairs are actuality agitated on. The design ceases to be in the safe the moment the investor(s) decides to hit the “deliver” button. After this, the design is delivered to your home or appointment and the badge removed from the system.
CEDEX gives you the befalling of advance in design after actuality an expert. The badge presale is set to booty abode on Friday, January 12, 2018, at 1900 GMT. To participate, annals on the CEDEX badge pre-sale website.
CEDEX is a all-around barter with the aim of closing the gap amid the avant-garde banking markets and the acceptable design industry. It aims at accouterment a groundbreaking change that will accredit bodies to cash and advance in chunk like added banking assets through a defended and cellophane process.
The belvedere will accord bodies the admission to advance in diamonds, shares in a bassinet of chunk (ETF), or shares of a high-value stone. Sellers, buyers, and investors will accept abounding aplomb because of the accuracy in the amount of design — facilitated by DEX, a blockchain technology and machine-learning algorithm that will accommodate the ante of a design allurement price. It is the ambition of CEDEX to actualize an aberrant criterion value, contract, and amount for every stone. The CEDEX badge pre-sale is set to booty abode on Friday, January 12, 2018, at 1900 GMT