

THELOGICALINDIAN - Longform is to media what crypto is for money The amount produced is the new bill for acute bodies and for the internet age The plan was not to broadcast these Litecoin fam interviews in abounding but as a 5minute minidocumentary about the accomplished art allotment INVISIBILITY The interviews were planned as inquiries get aggressive by the actuality and complete bites to added adorned blur When scrolling through the feel of the accomplished account I accomplished this was a abundant way to acquaint how these art pieces are built-in The admirers would additionally absence the accurateness acumen and occasionally atrocity of Charlie Lee in his answers We are advancing from acutely adverse ancillary of the spectrum but afterwards the aboriginal few account we bankrupt the ice and hit the zone

The chat birthed about 2/3rds of the framework appropriate to accommodate abundant actuality to accomplish a affection cine about the art allotment All together, this assignment took about 3 months to produce, from conversations, ideas, painting, collaging, printing, re-painting to the 80×40 in accomplished anon on appearance at the Litecoin Summit of 2019 in Las Vegas. The short-form doc is appear either on area or abutting to the time.

Watch the Interview on Youtube

(80x40in, alloyed media, acrylic paint, and a lot of LOVE)


Related to the Summit, additionally my ART section of the acknowledgment to World Crypto Con aloof came online. We accomplished abundant things aftermost year and intend to do added air-conditioned being this year. The activity is still unfunded, so we are attractive for a aggregation with abundant anticipation and assets to account from accommodating with this project. It is a whole week of crypto in Vegas with the best arresting crypto stars. If you charge added acute affidavit to attend, analysis your pulse.

Both the Litecoin Summit, World Crypto Con and added will be captivated at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas.

Crypto artisan V E S A allotment for the additional anniversary Apple Crypto Con with an all-new hardline keynote, block-performance and ahead concealed ample calibration artworks on exhibit. This time the gloves appear off apropos the bequest art world, and he goes added into why amalgam adroitness into the blockchain amplitude is a charge for accumulation adoption, not a maybe. You can apprehend a anxiously crafted, insightful, and amorous audiovisual explosion.

We are additionally activity to accomplish a FOMO action that will be adamantine to refuse.

Among the works, this year is the ‘Blood On The Podcast Floor’ allotment now active by Andreas Antonopolous, Charlie Lee, Maxine Ryan, Brock Pierce, Jeremy Gardner, Vinny Lingham, Ronnie Moas, Peter McCormack and Adam Williams. When eventually awash afterwards some added superstar signatures, the gain will go to HAWC, the Houston Women’s Center attention women from animal corruption and violence.