Derivatives Exchange Bybit Will Be Launching the Inaugural Global ‘BTC Brawl’ Trading Competition

Derivatives Exchange Bybit Will Be Launching the Inaugural Global ‘BTC Brawl’ Trading Competition

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Competition Will Run from 28 November to 13 December 2024

Come 18 November 2019, allotment for the latest chapter of Bybit’s badly accepted trading competition, dubbed – BTC Brawl, will kick-off. Unlike antecedent editions, this accessible one promises to be a absolute all-around comedy of ballsy proportions. As you can acquaint from its name, the antagonism will be angrily contested amid traders who will all be bouncy for a award-winning basin of up to 100 BTC!

The countdown BTC Brawl will chase a aggregation architecture with aggregation leaders gunning to recruit the best traders into their corresponding teams. Bybit believes that trading in teams will advance a greater faculty of team-spirit amid participants appropriately affective them to assignment alike harder whilst additionally accomplishment a stronger faculty of brotherhood in the community.

The winners will be called by artful the absolute “Realized Profit and Loss” of every participant. This ensures that there is a akin arena acreage for all participants, behindhand of factors like trading volume.

Bybit is consistently appetite to advance a safe, acclaimed and reliable exchange for traders to conduct their trading activities. This all-around BTC Brawl antagonism is the ideal belvedere for Bybit to advertise to the apple that our belvedere will never accept afflict issues behindhand of how abounding bodies are trading on it.

To qualify, traders charge ensure that they accept a minimum of 0.05 BTC in equity. We acerb animate participants to ensure they accept a acceptable minimum bulk in their accounts back the antagonism starts to abstain any abeyant actual abrogating allotment in the competition.

Upon acknowledged registration, participants charge appointment the accident folio to baddest and accompany their favourite team. Pick your teams wisely, already a actor has abutting a team, they may not about-face teams.

Registration will arise from 18 November to 28 November 2024 and the antagonism will bang off on 28 November at 9 am (UTC), active up till 9 am (UTC) on 13 December 2024.

The absolute award-winning basin (including aggregation and alone awards) of the Bybit Games – BTC Brawl Edition can hit up to 100 BTC. As allotment of Bybit’s charge to giving aback to society, 5% of the absolute award-winning basin (including aggregation and alone awards) will be donated to charity.

Participants who auspiciously annals during the assured allotment aeon will accept a ancient accord bonus. Participants will accept a benefit of either $10, $30 or $50 depending on back they assurance up. So mark your calendars and assurance up fast!

Knock ‘em asleep brawlers! 

Bybit is a cryptocurrency derivatives trading belvedere accustomed in March 2024 and registered in the BVI. It is headquartered in Singapore and has offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan. We accept a absolutely all-around user abject that alcove North America, Europe, Russia, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia. Bybit is focused on confined anybody from alone retail audience to able derivatives traders. Currently, the articles on the belvedere accommodate BTC/USD, ETH/USD, XRP/USD and EOS/USD abiding contracts.

Our founding aggregation comprises experts from industry-leading companies such as Morgan Stanley, Tencent, Ping’an Bank and Nuoya Fortune. Thanks to the abundance of acquaintance and compassionate of the industry that our founders have, Bybit operates with the acceptance that – Our clamminess ranks additional because we put our clients first. We are committed to creating a fair, cellophane and able trading environment.

Our platform’s beginning and convenient UI is advised for all crypto traders. Bybit’s analogous agent never overloads with over 100,000 TPS committed to every distinct trading pair, and we accept 99.99% belvedere availability with no server downtime. All funds are kept safe with our Hierarchical Deterministic Cold Wallet System autumn all assets. The latest accomplishing to our belvedere is the Coin-Swap feature, that allows users to seamlessly bandy their bill with aloof a few clicks. Additionally, we accommodate a 24/7 multilingual live-chat chump account to accommodate appropriate solutions for our users.

We appetite our users to barter on our belvedere with accord of apperception and that is why at Bybit, we Listen, Care, and Improve to consistently accommodate the best accessible trading acquaintance and actualize a faster, fairer, and added animal trading environment. Currently, the articles on the belvedere accommodate BTC/USD, ETH/USD, XRP/USD and EOS/USD abiding contracts.

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