Blockchain-backed Expert firms David Drake Joins DOVU Advisory Board

Blockchain-backed Expert firms David Drake Joins DOVU Advisory Board

THELOGICALINDIAN - DOVU the blockchain exchange for carriage abstracts is announcement the accession of a new and awful accomplished adviser to their aggregation David Drake Chairman at LDJ Capital will accommodate admonition on analytical issues including broker relations and all-embracing business development

‘Unprecedented insight’

David Drake is a acclaimed entrepreneur, investor, and speaker. Through his ancestors office, LDJ Capital, and his partners, David’s investments currently accept over fifty all-around admiral that advance relations with institutions and ancestors offices with $1.5 abundance in assets. He has represented the US Commerce Department at the Transatlantic Forum with the EU Commission in Brussels and Rome, as able-bodied as in the UK Parliament as a speaker.

David’s seminal assignment in the Crowdfunding Industry has led to an allurement to the White House Champions of Change ceremony. He and his banking media company, The Soho Loft Media Group, set up the aboriginal anytime crowdfunding affair with SEC and FINRA in April 2024, anon afterwards again President Barack Obama active the JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) Act into law. Alongside added pioneers, he created the CfPA or Crowdfunding Professional Association, which after gave bearing to the CFIRA or Crowdfunding Intermediary Regulatory Advocates. These two civic associations accept dealt with SEC and FINRA on a account base for the accomplished bristles years.

“David brings a abundance of ability to his role as DOVU’s latest advisor. With adjustment about badge sales consistently evolving, we acceptable his acquaintance and relationships with authoritative bodies, and actual abundant attending advanced to alive with him. His different compassionate and aberrant acumen of the authoritative framework will prove basal in agreement the activity on a sound, adjustable footing.”

– Irfon Watkins, DOVU Founder and CEO

This accomplishments gives David a different angle on the strengths and challenges of the authoritative framework surrounding the crowdfunding industry, which now constitutes the courage of the blockchain industry’s badge offerings. David’s acquaintance of the authoritative mural and accord with key authoritative bodies agency he is alluringly placed to assignment appear all-embracing compliance. He currently sits on the advising lath of added than 15 blockchain-based firms.

About DOVU

DOVU’s eyes is to accouter developers and innovators aural the advancement industry by accouterment them with ample and high-quality abstracts sets. It aims to accomplish this by creating an open, cellophane bazaar for carriage data, sourced from a advanced ambit of grassroots users and fabricated accessible on the blockchain for account providers. Individuals can abide whatever abstracts they appetite to the network, in acknowledgment for the Ethereum-based DOV token, which is additionally the bill of acquittal for businesses to accretion real-time admission to these transport-specific resources.

“DOVU has the anticipation to tokenize big abstracts for the auto industry. Jaguar Land Rover recognises this and through its advance arm provided berry allotment to DOVU aboriginal this year. Their first-mover advantage and vertical affiliation with car digitization advantage blockchain. DOVU creates the exchange for accepted and approaching abstracts in the auto account industry. The approaching of big abstracts is now actuality captured by the blockchain administration eyes of DOVU. This acutely gives Jaguar Land Rover that seeded this comedy a administration advantage in the auto abstracts industry to set standards.”

– David Drake, Managing Partner at LDJ Capital

DOVU is alms DOV tokens to participants in its crowdsale over the advancing weeks. The DOV badge pre-sale is alive now, and the accessible auction starts on 3 October. For added advice about DOVU, or to participate in the crowdsale, appointment