How to Earn Crypto With a Smartphone? Mining and Smart Staking in Mobile Blockchain Enecuum

How to Earn Crypto With a Smartphone? Mining and Smart Staking in Mobile Blockchain Enecuum

THELOGICALINDIAN - Historically Satoshi Nakamoto proposed Bitcoin as a decentralized acquittal arrangement During its aboriginal times the operation of the arrangement was as accepted However Bitcoin started to face problems with scalability and decentralization with an access in the cardinal of users Today the association is actively analytic for solutions and attempting to abstain mistakes by award new means to break these issues

In 2017, the Enecuum project appear its own solution: a blockchain with adaptable masternodes and abutment for several alongside blockchains. After two years of alive development and testing, the activity is planning to barrage the capital arrangement in April 2020.

Over accomplished days, we accept analyzed Enecuum’s abstruse documentation, accustomed developer comments, and concluded up absorption on the project’s adaptable masternode.

Enecuum uses custom Trinity amalgam agreement based on the Bitcoin-NG and the Proof-of-Activity (PoA) consensus.

A characteristic affection of Bitcoin-NG is the break of Proof-of-Work (PoW) mining and the advertisement of transactions.

Bitcoin-NG has two types of blocks:

PoA (Proof-of-Activity) is a amalgam accord algorithm that combines the elements of PoW and Proof-of-Stake (PoS). PoW miners break a cryptographic assignment and actualize abandoned blocks. These ‘blanks’ will become abounding blocks afterwards actuality active by several about called PoS miners.

Enecuum developers accept decidedly adapted these algorithms: they added the abstraction of macroblock and PoA mining. In the Trinity protocol, affairs are not appear anon but are accumulated in a macroblock. Simultaneously, three types of nodes are amenable for creating blockchains: PoW (personal computers), PoS (coin holders) and PoA (mobile phones).

The base of the Trinity algorithm is a aggregate of three altered concepts.

Creating macroblocks in the Enecuum blockchain

Enecuum supports the conception of accompanying active blockchains as allotment of the capital blockchain by HyperDAG means.

Note, the cardinal of affairs increases with an access in the cardinal of blockchain branches. During testing, Enecuum was able to accomplish a acceleration of 18,000 affairs per second.

Shared Noncommutative Exponential Linear Logic (SHARNELL) is a acute arrangement based on linear logic and a set of simple operations (hashing, signature verification).

By applying beeline argumentation and ahead listed operations, a acute arrangement could be declared as the aftereffect of an approximate function. This way, errors could be begin and the beheading time of a acute arrangement at the accumulation date could be estimated.

Enecuum has its utility-token ENQ. It is acclimated for:

Native ENQ tokens can be bought in the SUEX exchanger. KuCoin, CREX24 and GRAVIEX exchanges barter tokens of the ERC-20 standard.

In the aboriginal division of 2024, Enecuum will barrage the clearing of ERC-20 tokens to the capital network.

Enecuum has three types of mining: PoW, PoS and PoA. PoW mining is advised for claimed computers. PoA mining can be done on the smartphone. PoS operation requires a server.

The accolade for the mined blocks is broadcast amid the miners. PoW nodes accept 10%, PoSs — 30%, PoAs — 60%.

Enecuum has a two-level barometer affairs for PoA miners congenital into the protocol. Both referrer and barometer accept an added 10% mining reward.

Mobile miners crave to accept at atomic 25 and a best of 25000 ENQ. Owners of the 100 better arrangement wallets can become PoS miners.

Only PoS miners accept transaction commissions in Enecuum. Right now there are no arrangement fees. Transaction fee will be of 0.001 ENQ afterwards the mainnet launch.

Mining tokens are user appear tokens for PoA mining in Enecuum network. They can be acclimated to aggrandize association and crowdfunding.

The activity affairs to actualize a exchange area users will accept tokens for mining based on price, ROI accessory and accepted trading volume.

For conception of mining tokens no appropriate accouterments or software is needed. Token parameters: its name, discharge aeon and absolute supply, — — are set at Enecuum website.

Smart staking is an befalling to pale with baby wallets. Thanks to acute staking, PoS miners can acquire more, and bread holders can accept allotment of the accolade for administering transactions.

The acute staking architect publishes a business plan online. This plan indicates how abounding tokens the architect affairs to collect, how abundant will acquire as a PoS miner, and what allotment of tokens holders will receive.

The architect takes risks. A acute arrangement freezes its tokens in the bulk of payments to participants in the contract. Users will accept these tokens for any outcome.

Smart staking allows to acquire on affairs to users who cannot become PoS miners. In addition, it incentivizes PoS miners to assignment for the account of the network.

Enecuum has developed two adaptable applications acclimated for a wallet and active a node.

Wallet is accessible on Google Play and AppStore. Currently, you can alone get the bulge app from Enecuum website on an Android device. Minimum requirements: Android 4.4, 1GHz processor, 1.5 GB of RAM.

Apps accept a agnate interface. Once got acquainted with one app, it will be accessible to accord with another.

In adjustment to start, you charge to actualize or acceptation a public/private keys that are paired. After that, you can abundance tokens and admission your wallet.

The mining appliance runs in the background. To accomplish it reliable you charge to acquiesce autorun and accomplishments activity.

Node about does not affect the battery. The appliance consumes about 1–1.5% of the charge. For comparison, Telegram consumes 4.5%.

The accolade for PoA mining depends on three parameters: the cardinal of staked tokens, the computational ability of the buzz and the affection of the affiliation (the best cogent one).

The computational ability of an boilerplate smartphone is abundant to assurance microblocks. But the buzz will not accept a accolade if it does not accelerate the active microblocks afore the advertisement of a new key block. The capital aphorism of PoA mining is to consistently be online, i.e., Active.

For ten canicule of mining on Xiaomi Mi5, we got 13 ENQ. After the aboriginal week, we got 9 ENQ — a little added than the Enecuum forecasted in the ROI calculator. Although the bulge was not online for several hours, the account mining crop was 0.8%.

The advantage of mining depends on the absolute cardinal of tokens at stake. At the time of writing, the ROI for the best pale of 25,000 ENQ was 41% (10,250 ENQ). Advantage for referrals was college — 45% per annum (11,250 ENQ).

Currently, Enecuum offers two coins: ENQ and BIT. Each bread has its own purpose and platform.

ENQ is acclimated in Enecuum’s Neuro Testnet and can be mined in our adaptable mining appliance utilizing the Proof-of-Activity algorithm. ENQ can be swapped to a tradable ERC20 badge and carnality versa.

Unlike ENQ, BIT is not advised for trading; its sole purpose is testing of Enecuum’s Trinity protocol: a aggregate of Proof-of-Activity, Proof-of-Work, and Proof-of-Stake algorithms. By ablution BIT, Enecuum allows users to acquaintance adaptable mining after affairs basal pale and to try out PoW and PoS nodes afore the Mainnet absolution with a tradable ENQ.

Currently, we arrange four apparatus of the BIT Network: Proof-of-Activity, Proof-of-Stake, Proof-of-Work, and Fullnode. Each of them has a specific purpose in the network, and the apparatus can additionally assignment separately.

Proof-of-Activity nodes accord to the arrangement by acceptance m-blocks absolute transactions. PoA is broadcast through Enecuum BIT App. The alone aberration from Enecuum Masternode App is a little redesign to analyze our two applications. As usual, it requires a basal pale to alpha mining; but back BIT is not tradable, you can get it with our faucet.

Proof-of-Stake nodes accept rewards for voting for a PoS baton that publishes macroblocks. In our accepted BIT implementation, the altitude for acceptable a PoS bulge are simplified — all you charge is to accept is a non-zero antithesis and specify an approximate abstruse PoS share. In the final agreement version, a PoS applicant is declared to be in the top 100 wallets account and get a abstruse PoS allotment from a PoS affiliation according to the agnate Trinity protocol.

Proof-of-Work nodes accomplish k-blocks, which are the basal anatomy of our blockchain, with your PC’s CPU power. No basal pale is required. Currently, BIT PoW mining adversity is low, and as a result, CPU assets are not acclimated a lot. But HDD acceptance is still high, as it is appropriate to accompany with the blockchain history.

Fullnode consists of the Blockchain Explorer and a bore that recalculates barometer rewards. Since the Blockchain Explorer demands a lot of resources, it was afar from PoW. Fullnode synchronizes with BIT Testnet.

PoW Fullnode is an accessible band-aid that allows users to both abundance BIT and use Blockchain Explorer.

Enecuum is an all-embracing activity with the address in Hong Kong.

Among the Enecuum developers:

Enecuum is a activity with an absorbing amalgam accord algorithm and a low access beginning for users.

Mining on adaptable phones about does not crave investments: you alone charge an appliance and 25 ENQ ($ 0.5). The Enecuum analysis arrangement has added than 1,800 adaptable nodes from 60 countries.

Masternodes area can be beheld in Enecuum blockchain explorer.

The aggregate of three affidavit algorithms is accepted to abstain problems with the absorption of the network: the absorption of accretion ability in regions with bargain electricity and the access of ability by “rich wallets”.

Now we are cat-and-mouse for the capital arrangement barrage to see if Enecuum succeeds.

Get added advice about Enecuum here:

Official Website
Download Masternode APK
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