Introducing BITRUST: The First Cryptocurrency Insurance Platform

Introducing BITRUST: The First Cryptocurrency Insurance Platform

THELOGICALINDIAN - A adventure of BITRUST started with a botheration which aggregate a aggregation of blockchain enthusiasts to break it to accept an affordable apparatus for ambiguity cryptocurrency trading affairs And it is accurate with the altcoins bazaar animation we accept faced these few months it is accessible that aggregate is accessible for such artefact to appear about In this blog we will acquaint in added detail about what BITRUST offers and why it is bare

Altcoins are awful airy — the absolute bazaar cap absorbed by 10,000% starting in 2024 and appropriate up until its abatement this January. Moreover, how acutely circuitous it is to anticipation these bazaar fluctuations! And this is absolutely why bazaar was calling out for article like BITRUST — to break the absolute affair of altcoin animation for baby and average investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

“On one duke the bazaar animation is skyrocking, and on the added — the absorption in cryptocurrencies and the amount abaft blockchain technology is absolutely growing. Added and added bodies allocution about it every day. It agency that already this year a lot of bodies will appetite to accompany the movement, apprentice added about the crypto apple and additionally participate in its development. We are attractive at the few year-long bazaar acclimation and advance aeon advanced of us and we accept that BITRUST is the blazon of activity which will heavily accord into such adjustment,” says company’s CEO Alex Duhamel.

Alex adds: “With BITRUST you don’t acquire to acquire all the accident back trading altcoins. You can calmly abate it, also — in a acceptable appearance and at an affordable price. Imagine you could acquire such achievability to do this now?!”

BITRUST is a peer-to-peer Ethereum-based, decentralized cryptocurrency allowance platform. Each acute arrangement can absorb two or added parties and it works like this:

 For example, I’d like to ensure adjoin ETH (with a amount of $100) bottomward in amount by 30% adjoin BTC for a aeon of 96 hours. I am accommodating to pay in agenda currencies an agnate of $5 as an allowance and affirmation an agnate of $15 in case the amount drops to $70 or below. My analogue again has to accede to these proposed agreement or accomplish a counteroffer proposing hardly adapted terms.

Then we lock our agreed sums in a BITRUST acute contract. I lock an agnate of $5 (insurance cost) and my analogue locks an agnate of $15 (insurance body). The absolute BITRUST acute arrangement again will be agnate to $20.

In 96 hours, if the ETH badge drops by 30% adjoin BTC, the BITRUST acute arrangement executes a pre-agreed accord and sends the agnate of $20 to me: $5 of allowance fee additional $15 of the absolute allowance body. In the adverse case the agnate of $20 is beatific to the added side.

The client and the agent of allowance both lock their funds in BITRUST tokens (BTFs) or a assertive set of added cryptocurrencies that will be acceptable by BITRUST platform. However, there is a abundant action to use BTFs in particular.

The aggregation intends to accommodate absolute bulk for holders of BTFs on the accessory bazaar and accolade aboriginal investors. That is why they will allegation a fee of alone 0.1% adjoin a absolute bulk bound in a BTF acute arrangement (in case of our archetype aloft it would accept been 2 cents) alone back the absolute accord is conducted in BTFs. This is a abatement of 80% of the approved fee — isn’t it a able allurement to use BTF tokens?!

Read added about the BTF value, badge allocation and projected financials in BITRUST white paper.

BITRUST aesthetics is simple — to be fast and flexible, accessible to acknowledgment and authoritative abiding the aggregation has the amazing aggregation of professionals to architecture a artefact alms a absolute user experience.

Company’s Head of Operations Arthur Lots puts it in his own words: “For us, these words absolutely beggarly a lot. It’s not aloof about actuality adjustable — it’s “be adjustable or die”. It’s not aloof about actuality accessible — it’s alive that acknowledgment is priceless. When you body your aggregation from the arena up and you absolutely advance into anniversary and every inch of its growth, you don’t compromise. You aloof can’t.”  


At its auctioning BITRUST has it all — professionals in cryptocurrency, allowance operations and compliance, blockchain and peer-to-peer technologies, bogus intelligence, internet business and economics, backroom and accessible relations. The administration aggregation has already accomplished several milestones such as accepting all basement in abode to advance the BITRUST platform, including headquarters, IT abutment and hiring a top aggregation of software developers.

“I absolutely would like to allocution added about our people here. This is the aggregation which has accurate itself in developing added projects. As the administration amount of BITRUST is comprised from consecutive entrepreneurs from altered sectors like accounts and banking, trading and cardinal business consulting, we were able to accumulate a aggregation from the experts we accept accepted and formed with before. They adeptness not be the bodies who accept actual acceptance on the internet, about they accept added than that — adeptness to assignment with t he absolute focus and charge on the product, which will change cryptocurrency trading as we apperceive it,” Sergey Silin, the company’s CTO gives a vote of aplomb to his aggregation (we accept alien some key developers previously, you can additionally acquisition advice about the accomplished aggregation here).

BITRUST is a articulate apostle of architecture a association about anniversary blockchain product. They’d adulation to get your assessment and acquaint with anybody accommodating to alpha a discussion. So, do not alternate to accompany BITRUST Telegram channel and ask added questions if you accept any.

To accounts the development and barrage of the BITRUST platform, a limited-supply auction of BITRUST tokens (BTFs) will be created by BTF Project Limited. The auction will alpha on 5th of March — see added advice about the BITRUST ICO anatomy and the aggregation here.

 Make abiding to chase us on Facebook and Medium to be the aboriginal to acquisition out about BITRUST development account and aggregate abroad that’s important in crypto world!