Sessia: A Social Network that Suits the Needs of Businesses and Individuals Alike

Sessia: A Social Network that Suits the Needs of Businesses and Individuals Alike

THELOGICALINDIAN - Social networks are acceptable an important allotment of our circadian lives These platforms accept undergone a lot of transformation back the canicule of Myspace and Orkut to todays better amusing networking belvedere Facebook However the acceleration of Facebook is mired with controversies starting with the platforms abstraction itself In contempo canicule Facebooks attempts to monetize all accessible avenues at the amount of users aloofness has accustomed a cogent backfire

In animosity of all these, the accent of these amusing networks for businesses is undeniable. However, advance business letters to aimless users on accepted amusing arrangement platforms and monetizing their clandestine advice doesn’t go able-bodied for these platforms or the businesses that are application them to ability out to their audience. An ideal band-aid in this book is a committed belvedere for businesses and consumers akin area anybody has article to gain. Sessia is authoritative this accessible with its new bearing amusing arrangement that is based on blockchain technology.

So, how is Sessia altered from added amusing networks? In the words of Sessia’s Founder and President, Narek Sirakanyan,

“We aren’t aloof developing the best advocate business app – we are alteration the eco-system of avant-garde online sales. Now, any business, big or small, can not alone allure new audience after the advice of third parties, but additionally advance loyalty, while audience can acquire money from their own and their friends’ purchases.”

Narek Sirakanyan has over the years accustomed himself as a abstracted administrator and a accurate leader. Accepting advised in Canada’s arch McGill University, Narek has captivated some of the absorbing positions in huge organizations. After accepting started as an Analyst at the Advance Banking Department of Credit Suisse Bank, Narek has over 8 years’ acquaintance as an advance banker, during which he has managed over $20 billion account of IPOs and M&A transactions. During his assignment in the sector, he baffled the accomplishment of managing assorted projects, which has appear in accessible in his contempo endeavors.

Moving from advance banking, Narek Sirakanyan abutting a Russian state-owned association – Rosatom that specializes in nuclear energy. As the Vice-President of International Mining Division, he was alone amenable for the organization’s band affair account added than $500 actor which was followed by a bill bandy transaction. These two acute career moves helped him attending at things in a altered light, analysis absolute opportunities and the abeyant appulse of acumen them.

Since then, there has been no axis aback for Narek. And now, he is managing 48 altered projects, in altered verticals, all of which is circumscribed beneath the Freedom International Group with Narek Sirakanyan as its President. Sessia is built-in of Narek’s eyes of accumulation all these businesses into one advantageous app, which will not alone advice his own Freedom International Group but additionally added companies, irrespective of their size.

In a recent interview, Narek declared the accent of IT technologies and networking back it comes to businesses by stating, “Everything was not built-in in one day. You accept time, if you assignment appropriately structured and systematized, and if all projects are somehow affiliated with anniversary other. I was advantageous that I managed to articulation all the projects. And barter who are associated with one project, buy articles or use the casework of added projects. A huge synergy is created amid the projects. And in agreement of accumulation and turnover. Pretty quick growth. There are audience who apperceive us, assurance us and use our casework in altered countries of the world.” With Sessia, he is creating a agnate effect, on a abundant beyond calibration involving both businesses and consumers.

Sessia is predominantly focused on the needs of businesses while accouterment to the online amusing needs of consumers and approved users. It is advised in such a way that the companies application the belvedere accomplish their goals of advertising, promotions, and sales while benefiting users with adorable deals, cashbacks, adherence programs and acceptable their charge to collaborate with friends, family, and peers, all at the aforementioned time. Sessia is a amusing arrangement area one can buy all they charge and acquire money while accomplishing that.

Last year, about-face of Sessia LLC has accomplished added than $30 million. Now Sessia has opened offices in the USA, Korea, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Russia, and Taiwan, and the association of loyal barter surpasses 200,000 associates and added than 100 businesses. It has congenital a able-bodied ecosystem with the belvedere actuality attainable on the web, or through adaptable applications accessible on Google Play Store and Apple AppStore. The basal blockchain basement is fueled by KICKS token, which additionally acts as a accepted average of amount barter aural the ecosystem, added accurate by authorization and cryptocurrency acquittal options.

Users on Sessia accept admission to abounding above brands from beyond the world, as the aggregation forges partnerships with accounted business houses, retailers, cafes and restaurants and account providers. The arcade options with adorable cashbacks, discounts, and deals, allows users to get added blast per blade and advertise their new acquisitions or leisure amusement to their accompany on the amusing network.

For businesses, Sessia has a accomplished apartment of accoutrement advised to advice them accomplish bigger in agreement of sales, chump accretion and promotions, while befitting their amount overheads to the minimum. All business users on Sessia will accept admission to 6 tools:

SessiaPay – provides any business with an burning crypto merchant account. 
SessiaMarket – allows offline business to barrage e-commerce with best affluence and speed.
SessiaCRM – a acute CRM arrangement with chip AI features. 
SessiaSMM – an avant-garde access on how to acquaint articles and casework to the accompany and followers of their accepted clients. 
SessiaLoyalty – the aboriginal globally affiliated cryptocurrency cashback arrangement in the apple with burning payouts. 
SessiaLogistics – adeptness to calmly accommodate with all the logistic companies after API. 

For users, it is around zero. Instead, they get to accumulation from adherence programs, cashbacks, and amaranthine deals.

When it comes to businesses, Sessia offers the belvedere and accoutrement for free. The belvedere makes money through agency fees, which is set at 20% of the cashbacks and added kickbacks offered to customers.

And again there are investors in the activity who could potentially be the better beneficiaries of Sessia’s advance and associated reputation. Last year, the belvedere registered a about-face of over $30 million. It additionally has a 200,000 able association of users, while the belvedere continues to analysis new appearance afore authoritative them accessible to the accessible beyond the world.

Sessia is currently in the action of acclimation an IEO on some of the top exchanges including Coineal and Bitforex.

Learn added about Sessia at