The Age of Gangs: Brand New P2E Game or Anti-crisis Project?

The Age of Gangs: Brand New P2E Game or Anti-crisis Project?


“GENTLEMEN ALSO KNOW HOW TO FIGHT” — this is the tagline of a new activating P2E aggregation bold with metaverse integration.

It invites you to attempt into the brawler bold set on the austere streets of the once-swell London of the approaching with gangs at the helm. Will it feel aloof like in old acceptable Guy Ritchie’s movies? We are about to try and acquaint you. Or are you activity to be first?

But amid giving you a adventitious to feel like a absolute thug, the TAOG aggregation is accessible to accommodate some absurd allowances and assertive advants that can DE-FI-NITELY advance this aggressive activity on top of the genre.

So what did the founders adapt for the aboriginal annular of the Mint, which is activity to be appear on the better exchange — Binance NFT?

By the way, the absolution of the bound NFT accumulating of 2,000 NFTs on the BSC blockchain is already about to alpha on the 4th of July and will aftermost alone 5 days. And what is the best important — purchased NFT bandit will be your admission admission to the game!

It’s already accepted that there are activity to be 3 circuit of auction and the absolute accumulation of the gangsters’ NFT accumulating is 9,000.

First of all, clashing the best agnate projects, the TAOG aggregation managed to advance a audience adaptation of the bold afore the aboriginal annular of NFT sales with the advice of the team’s fund. Thus it’s not aloof a ambit of screenshots and agenda artworks as we acclimated to ahead see on the P2E and NFT market. It will be anon accessible for testing to the animosity OG holders only. But there is additionally addition way to try it: aloof become a affiliate of “Best Homies” — the bankrupt clandestine association alone for Twitter lovers, the analog of animosity OG.

The ambience of the accumulating and the bold takes us to the streets of London 30 years later, mired in chaos and lawlessness, area mafia gangs aphorism the city. To become the best, you will accept to accumulate your assemblage bit by bit and action to the top of ascendancy in the city.

Built on the Unity engine, the bold is a PvE/PvP third-person aggregation brawler.

Two characters with different banknote in the audience and 12 in the final adaptation will be accessible for the players to fight. Users will be able to booty allotment in PvP duels in the big arena, complete PvE quests, trade, recruit new associates to their gangs, and aggrandize their territories. The bold will be appear both on PC and Android/iOS adaptable platforms.

Another outstanding account is that all aboriginal TAOG adopters will accept admission to staking their NFTs afore others.

In addition, you can additionally charter your NFTs to the newcomers, which is additionally an added income.

The accessible excellent will accommodate 2,000 different brigand banknote fabricated up of 5 accidental parts: torso, head, costume, weapons, and accessories. The accumulating has a three-level rarity. The bound accumulation is offered for a almost low attic amount — alone 89$ each. The gain from the excellent will be aimed at added development. All consecutive circuit of mints betoken an access in the amount of the sale.

One added advantageous account apropos an all-encompassing in-game exchange with its close currency, area you can buy aggregate all-important for the game:

Before the accessible mint, founders are about to authority several AMA sessions, one of which will be agitated out tomorrow. At the moment, the aggregation is actively administration capacity about the game, bottomward bastard peeks on their Twitter and Discord, and administering some accumulation contest and contests for the association to arm-twist the best alive to let them try themselves in a analysis flight. But they accept to be absolutely affianced to access an OG or “Best Homies” in the Discord or Twitter communities appropriately first.

Another absurd befalling for aboriginal adopters includes a adventitious to be a allotment of The Age of Gangs Ambassador Program featuring a acceptable absolute accolade arrangement and to advance the chat about accessible events, artefact launches, and games.

Prepare for a challenge:

While the apple is steeped in anarchy, London is run by aggressive gangs ushering in a new era of abhorrence and lawlessness. Hungry to acceleration the ranks and appropriate ascendancy of the city, you accompany a assemblage with the ambition of aggressive the ladder to the top. But forth the way are challenges to affected in acquisition battling gangs.

The new age is coming…The Age of Gangs!

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