number applications exceeds sply 5 times. did Universa manage Crypto

number applications exceeds sply 5 times. did Universa manage Crypto

THELOGICALINDIAN - UTN tokens by Universa activity accept sparked astronomic absorption area they were offered as a allotment of interproject badge bandy IpTS The cardinal of applications for tokens added than 5 times exceeded the accumulation with the bandy abiding for aloof 4 canicule from 6th till 9th of November

“Certainly it is a abundant amusement for us that barter for UTN tokens has angry such an interest. It agency that we are accomplishing a huge adventure and are affective in the appropriate direction. We are blessed to abet with ICOBox aural the inter-project badge bandy programme. That is a acceptable befalling for us to allure added abeyant users of the arrangement we are developing, as able-bodied as for the users to account from the innovations provided by our company,” commented Alexander Borodich, architect and admiral of Universa.

UTN tokens can be acclimated for any operation aural the ambit of Universa system. For archetype for advantageous for transaction, licenses for master-nodes and added services.

Despite the actuality that the barter of UTN tokens aural the IpTS affairs was completed, UTN tokens will still be accessible for acquirement during the Universa Token Sale, which will aftermost until December 9.

By the way, it is not for the aboriginal time that Universa is causing an action in the bazaar of cryptocurrencies. On October 28, the day of the Token Sale launch, the activity admiring added than $ 10 actor for alone the aboriginal three hours. The company’s ambition is to accession $100 million. The calm funds are to be spent on the agreement development, the conception of the Universa armamentarium for advance in the blockchain based businesses, marketing, acknowledged issues and added purposes.

Universa is a Russian agreement and a blockchain platform, that is advised to body business applications aimed at analytic problems in the absolute area of the abridgement (for example, contracting, accouterment services, managing ownership, arising civic or accumulated crypto-currencies). As the creators of the belvedere note, its capital advantages over competitors are the acceleration of operations (Universa allows to conduct 22 thousand operations per second), low amount of casework and reliable crypto protection. For comparison, Universa works 100 times faster, and its affairs amount 1000 times cheaper than a agnate bitcoin blockchain. In addition, the belvedere provides all-encompassing opportunities for application tokens – from cyberbanking admission keys, bus tickets and allowance certificates to absolute settlements amid banks.

Interproject Badge Swap or IpTS technology is an actually new and different account which was developed and offered for its audience by the ICOBox company, which is the arch supplier of “box” solutions for captivation badge auction campaigns on anchored price. The apparatus was developed afterwards the users of the ICOS platform, best of whom are able badge holders, paid their absorption to it. The acceptation of the IpTS is creating alternate barter of agenda assets amid ICOS badge holders and new projects. Thus, the ICOS belvedere users accept beyond admission to tokens of new and generally able start-ups.