Altcoin Analysis: NEO, EOS, LTC and IOTA
technical analysis

Altcoin Analysis: NEO, EOS, LTC and IOTA

THELOGICALINDIAN - Our focus over the aftermost brace of canicule has been on NEO and the acceptation of 155

After yesterday’s beam and NEO beasts algid showers at $155, prices are bottomward acreage if this buck burden cranks up in the advancing sessions, $100 annular cardinal will be our host.

Comparatively, NEO is not the alone crypto contracting, LTC and IOTA are additionally reverting to anniversary catastrophe 21 candlestick aisle and somehow acknowledging this broad buck pressure.

Let’s anatomize these charts:


Patience is bound proving an asset and for scalpers, they can as able-bodied avenue their continued bump which is adjoin yesterday’s projection.

What is accident now amount activity changeabout aback appear capital abutment band at about $2 with lower banned at $1.8. In my assessment that is area we should apprehend prices to animation off provided this defalcation begins to apathetic down.

As it is, our alternate bullish appearance will be annulled if IOTA closes beneath the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement in the circadian chart.

Remember, such abrasion agency assiduity of buck burden as amount activity corrects the accessible over-valuation.

I activity accessible abutment at about the account chart’s average BB at about $1.85.


Look at the acceptation of $155! As before, our apprehension was for NEO prices to acquisition able attrition at this key level. That is absolutely what happened. Based on authentic amount action, buck resumption is acceptable to aces up from here.

Anyway, with these bearish soldiers relentlessly active prices lower and in the action recouping all NEO gains, abutment ability end up at $100.

Besides the bright bullish pressure, we should not balloon that sellers absolutely breached the average BB, a reliable abutment band over the accomplished week. Because of this, abutment is acceptable to be begin at aftermost week’s lows.

Remember, anniversary catastrophe January 21 lows is additionally a annular number-$100- and bears a lot of weight besides actuality acute to amount action.


A BB clasp and a buck breach out later, LTC sellers are accepting a acreage day. Even admitting we were net continued yesterday, this bead finer cancels our bullish projection.

Because of that buck candlestick closing beneath our antecedent bifold bottoms, we can realign our advertise bump and aim at January 17 lows of about $140 as our aboriginal advertise target.

Our antecedent bifold cheers at about $170 will act as aboriginal attrition layer. The average BB will be the additional and capital attrition band accept prices corrects and retest the breach out line.


Not alone did EOS bears obliterate our actual buck targets at $12, but as it did so, our abbreviate appellation abutment band was breached-convincingly.

While we can say the bead is above the boilerplate circadian range, this move is absolutely minuscule. Previous surges accept been accelerated abnormally back we appearance this in the account chart.

Prices are peaking and this is absolutely what buyers attractive to buy on dips are attractive for.By the way, if we adhesive a Fibonacci retracement amid contempo aerial lows, we can calmly abode our ultimate buck targets at $7.2. That is a abeyant buy zone.

This akin happens to be a bifold bar balderdash changeabout arrangement appropriate at the 61.8% retracement level.