technical analysis


THELOGICALINDIAN - Most alt bill today are trending lower Dash prices in accurate continues to crawl lower while NEM consolidates

In my honest opinion, I absolutely anticipate the 20 aeon MA which was abandoned on December 22 will abide to authority an important role in the advancing sessions.

DASH, Monero, IOTA and LTC prices ability abide to trend lower, what do you think?

As per Saturday’s recommendation, we shall abide captivation our bullish projection. It’s not absolutely rocket science in my opinion.

In ablaze of aftermost week’s knee jerk acknowledgment and abortion of prices to abutting beneath the 50% Fibonacci retracement akin fatigued from aftermost week’s aerial low, we shall authority a bullish projection.

The acumen is simple, apprehension those continued lower wicks and those college highs about to the lower BB afterwards that changeabout from the 23.6% Fibonacci retracement akin on December 22? Well, if NEM prices abutting aloft the 20 aeon MA, again we access continued and aim at December 19 highs as our immediate, abbreviate appellation target.

DASH prices are accumulation and back compared to December 23 amount action, amount activity is absolutely testing abutment authentic by 23.6% Fibonacci retracement akin as fatigued from aftermost week’s aerial low.

Now, here’s the deal, as continued as prices abide beneath the 20 aeon MA, we abide bearish. Because of this skew, we apprehend abutment at about $800 which is December 1 highs and 61.8% Fibonacci retracement level.

On December 22, IOTA comatose to $1.1 but the accretion was swift. However, anytime back that college highs and abutting aloft $3.3 which was the abject of our balderdash banderole afore this breach below, buy appeal has been low and has bootless to abutting aloft the calm line.

In college time frame, aftermost anniversary prices were overextended with a accomplished candlestick closing aloft the high BB.

Because of that, we apprehend prices to abide trickling lower abnormally if there is no attack of abutting aloft the average BB. In band with this chase for equilibrium, sellers should ambition $1.1 as printed by December 22 lows.

Monero prices connected with their collapse. Evidently, the 20 aeon MA couldn’t authority and you see the consistent lower lows acknowledging that.

If prices abide this way and the 20 aeon MA abide as ceiling, $215 should be the actual seller’s target. Otherwise, if sellers persists, again lower lows to August 27 highs of $160 is likely.

LTC prices are still sliding and as it is, it looks acceptable to abide so. The average BB and the attrition trend band abide to authority prices and auspicious sellers to get in.

As it is, buck burden makes it reasonable for sellers to aim at $140  December 22 lows. Already, there is a academic advertise arresting which is in accompany with circadian blueprint abbreviate appellation trend.

Therefore, until a academic buy arresting prints, sellers are in charge.

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