Litecoin Price Tech Analysis for 27/8/2024 – The Pressure is Evident
technical analysis

Litecoin Price Tech Analysis for 27/8/2024 – The Pressure is Evident

THELOGICALINDIAN - Litecoin is currently trading at 2922 up 178 percent as the cryptocurrency extends its abbreviate coveringfueled assemblage However I do not see Litecoin advancing decidedly from actuality on and apprehend the bears to accomplish a improvement actual soon

What is acceptable my bearishness is the lingering cynicism in Bitcoin, in accession to the abstruse considerations acquired from the circadian LTC-USD amount chart.

Many of the participants accept again asked me why I did not agency in or acknowledgment the block accolade halving in my beforehand analyses. It is because I consistently believed that the bazaar had priced in that well, and any accompanying move would be absolutely speculative. Now that the mining accolade halving has been achieved, there has been no above shakeup in the Litecoin market.



Litecoin Chart Structure – For the accomplished brace of sessions, Litecoin has been bound to a aerial of $3.051. If the cryptocurrency fails to ability a akin college than this in the approaching sessions, again apprehend addition abrupt fall.

Moving Averages – Litecoin afresh took abutment from the 200-day SMA afore rebounding. If it avalanche again, I am assured it to bore this actual important abstruse abutment which comes in at $2.4920.

Moving Average Convergence Divergence – Even the amount acceleration is declining at arresting the abatement in MACD and Signal Line which accept plummeted to -0.3044 and -0.2195 respectively. The Histogram is at -0.0849.

Momentum –The Momentum account is abrogating at -1.0279.

Money Flow Index – The MFI is abominably acclimation itself abreast the oversold area with a amount of 25.0871.

Relative Backbone Index –The RSI is depicting anemic backbone with the aftermost ascertainment of 32.5558.


The abstruse indicators overlaid on the Litecoin blueprint are anticipation of the basal negativity. Remain abbreviate on Litecoin by creating positions now or on rallies by advancement austere stop-losses.