Ripple Price (XRP) Eyes Fresh Weekly High: Bitcoin Breaks $12.5K
technical analysis

Ripple Price (XRP) Eyes Fresh Weekly High: Bitcoin Breaks $12.5K

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ripple amount is accepting bullish drive aloft 04000 adjoin the US Dollar while bitcoin is surging aloft 12500 XRP amount ability anon breach the 04100 and 04200 resistances

Ripple Price Analysis

Recently, bitcoin amount started a able rally and bankrupt the $12,000 and $12,500 attrition levels. Ripple amount additionally remained in a absolute area and it started a appropriate acceleration afterwards basic a beat low abreast $0.3860. There was a abiding acceleration aloft the $0.3920 and $0.3950 attrition levels. Moreover, the amount bankrupt the 50% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost accelerate from the $0.4110 beat aerial to $0.3860 low.

The amount is now trading able-bodied aloft the $0.4000 akin and the 100 alternate simple affective average. More importantly, yesterday’s accent above bullish trend band is complete with abutment abreast $0.4010 on the alternate blueprint of the XRP/USD pair. The brace is trading abreast the 76.4% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost accelerate from the $0.4110 beat aerial to $0.3860 low.

It seems like the beasts may anon bright the $0.4080 and $0.4100 attrition levels. Moreover, there are aerial affairs of a beginning aerial aloft the $0.4110 beat high. The abutting aloft attrition is abreast the $0.4220 level, aloft which ripple amount is acceptable to ascend appear the $0.4400 or $0.4500 akin in the abreast term. Conversely, if there is a downside correction, the amount could acquisition bids abreast $0.4020 or $0.4010 level.

The capital abutment is abreast the basilica abutment and $0.4000. If there is a acknowledged abutting beneath the $0.4000 support, the amount ability abatement appear the $0.3920 abutment or the 100 alternate simple affective average.

Ripple Price Analysis XRP Chart

Looking at the chart, ripple amount is acutely aggressive with a absolute bend aloft $0.4000. The accepted acceleration in BTC/USD aloft $12,500 is acceptable to lift the bazaar sentiment. Therefore, there are aerial affairs of added assets in XRP aloft the $0.4100 and $0.4120 levels in the advancing sessions.

Technical Indicators

Hourly MACD – The MACD for XRP/USD is currently accepting clip in the bullish zone.

Hourly RSI (Relative Strength Index) – The RSI for XRP/USD is currently able-bodied aloft the 60 level, with a bullish angle.

Major Support Levels – $0.4050, $0.4010 and $0.3920.

Major Resistance Levels – $0.4110, $0.4200 and $0.4220.