eToro Market Update: Island of Innovation & Plays of Safety

eToro Market Update: Island of Innovation & Plays of Safety


Echoing the words of his European counterparts, Chairman of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission Christopher Giancarlo (AKA Crypto-Dad), has stated that

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However, these statements aren’t alike bisected as bullish as a contempo speech delivered at the United Nations by the Prime Minister of Malta, and I quote…

“Can we break stalemate diplomatic negotiations by applying algorithms that can abstain war? Can we conciliate terrorists application the latest technologies? Is it accessible to apperceive anon which alien genitalia of our planet charge all-embracing altruistic assistance? Could we actualize new organs for bodies so no one dies on a donor list? Can we alive the day back altruism can be told that there is a cure to all cancers? Only time will tell, but it is the accessibility to beforehand technology that will advance to solutions.”

The baby Mediterranean island has now clearly positioned itself on the apple date as the “Blockchain Island.”

@MatiGreenspan – eToro, Senior Market Analyst

As is the new custom, we will accept a appropriate webcast to altercate all of the bazaar trends and trading opportunities activity into the new quarter. This presentation tomorrow is accessible to everyone. Please assets your abode at

Please note: All data, abstracts & graphs are accurate as of October 2nd. All trading carries risk. Only accident basic you can allow to lose.

North American markets animated bygone on the news that…

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Markets rallied through the morning, with the NSDQ100 reaching a new best high. However, there was a notable turnaround afterwards cafeteria that saw a lot of the assets disappearing.

Asian stocks were not as blessed about the aloft banderole as there is now added burden on China and Japan to put calm their own deals with Donald Trump.

European markets, on the added hand, are about absolutely focused on Italy at the moment. The account plan that is due for acquiescence by October 15th is a hot affair at the moment and is reportedly activity to be about three times the admeasurement that was initially considered. Now that this has been arena out over the aftermost few canicule and the Italian Parliament has the world’s attention

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Speaking of abrogation the Eurozone, this action doesn’t assume to be activity too calmly for the UK at the moment. With aloof bristles and a bisected months of negotiations remaining, the Conservative affair still can’t assume to adjudge what Brexit should attending like. The stakes couldn’t be college with this headline illustrating aloof how messed up things can get…

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Boris Johnson who is accepted to be a articulate adversary of his own party leader Prime Minister May is due to bear a accent today that will be watched by the absolute nation.

The Pound Sterling is beneath apparent burden this morning…

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As can be understood, banking markets are assuming a bright “risk-off” sentiment. This can be apparent by the falling banal indices this morning as able-bodied as in the FOREX markets area the “safe haven” currencies are dominating.

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We can additionally see a assertive agleam chicken metal acting as the safe anchorage anybody knows it to be for the aboriginal time in a while. Gold rising, admitting a stronger US Dollar is a bright adumbration of fear.

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Adding to the negativity, we additionally accept the All-embracing Monetary Fund stoking the bonfire of abhorrence with a acknowledgment that all-embracing barter disputes are harming the all-around economy.

cryptocurrency, markets, trading, brexit

The IMF’s anniversary affairs in Indonesia are acceptable to reflect that assertive contest that they accept ahead accent as risks are now alpha to materialize. We attending advanced to their bread-and-butter forecasts abutting anniversary as a adolescent looks advanced to inoculations.

In band with what we’re seeing above, the bill markets are additionally analytic for safe havens today. As we noted aftermost week, the crypto-markets are now acceptable added adapted in the long-term, while concise movements abide actual correlated.

With that in mind, we can now analysis out the aftermost three months of crypto markets. Here we can see all 12 crypto-assets that are on the eToro belvedere forth with the @CryptoPortfolio, which incorporates all of them, over the third division of 2018.

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Feel chargeless to draw your own conclusions. Then accelerate them to me, please. 😉

(Bonus credibility for attached in movements of non-crypto accompanying assets.)

Have an alarming day ahead!!

This agreeable is provided for advice and educational purposes alone and should not be advised to be advance advice or recommendation. 

The angle presented is a claimed assessment of the analyst and does not represent an official position of eToro.

Past achievement is not an adumbration of approaching results. All trading involves risk; alone accident basic you are able to lose.

Cryptocurrencies can broadly alter in prices and are not adapted for all investors. Trading cryptocurrencies is not supervised by any EU authoritative framework.

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