Disruptive Ideas Emerging in EtherCamp’s Major Global Hackathon
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Disruptive Ideas Emerging in EtherCamp’s Major Global Hackathon

THELOGICALINDIAN - The additional above EtherCamp hackathon bliss off in aloof a amount of canicule with account that ambit from applied blockchain applications to aggressive overhauls of civic institutions

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Tomer Kantor, co-founder at Proof of Work Media and a abutting accessory of EtherCamp, said the aggregation is attractive advanced to watching the hackathon camps body aloft their antecedent account as the antagonism progresses.

“There are so abounding account that accept aflame us, and there are absolutely some close favourites amidst the team,” Kantor said.  

“The affair that absolutely excites us . . . is that no amount what our claimed angle may be, it’s the association that gets to adjudge [the winner].”

Ideas From the EtherCamp Hackathon


ethercampDifferentiating itself from added hackathons, EtherCamp’s antagonism takes abode absolutely online, article competitor, Pax founder, Philip Saunders, was fatigued to.

“I anticipate EtherCamp has an absorbing model,” Saunders said, “One of my developers is in Prague and addition is in Switzerland, so the [online] architecture apparel us.”

Saunders’ aggregation has submitted the aggressive abstraction of creating a decentralized DNS (Domain Name System). The DNS is an basic band of the Internet, advice hostnames into IP addresses that can be accessed by bodies surfing the web.

A appropriate idea, accepting absorption afterwards the contempo Dyn DNS server advance that acquired abounding above websites to go offline for hours, the project, blue-blooded Nebulis, aims to body a new area agenda application the Ethereum blockchain and the Interplanetary File Arrangement (IPFS) — an another to the currently-used HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) system.

Nebulis, according to a blog column accounting by Saunders, will accomplish DNS annal added defended through its Ethereum and IPFS implementations, authoritative it beneath accessible to attacks like the one suffered by Dyn in October.

“There accept already been ‘proof-of-concept’ projects in the blockchain DNS space,” he said, “so I see Nebulis as a band-aid targeted at the absolute world.”

As a abiding goal, Saunders and his aggregation aim to defended abundant acquirement and investors to body a web browser alleged “Nebula,” which will abutment IPFS, Ethereum and Nebulis.

Adding blockchain technology to an earlier abstraction of decentralized allowance contracts, Team Etherisc is application Ethereum-based acute affairs to alter the acceptable allowance company.

Christoph Mussenbrock and Stephan Karpischek lead the camp, and both accept years of acquaintance in the accounts and technology sectors.

“I anticipate the allowance area has so abundant abeyant for ability that blockchain can leverage,” said Mussenbrock.

The abstraction is presented as an another to what the aggregation calls a “contradictory” access of apparently decentralizing allowance affairs while befitting some affectionate of axial arising aggregation intact.

The camp’s ambition is to body on an already-working proof-of-concept ancestor by the end of the five-week “incubation” aeon so that it can be readily chip into browsers.

“Currently the political arrangement is ability a crisis of assurance in abounding countries,” said Jan Brejcha in an abstraction acquiescence for a decentralized babyminding model.

Conceptualizing the arrangement as a DAO (decentralized free organization), the affected theorizes that decentralized, blockchain-based political parties can accommodate babyminding to societies in a way that improves citizens’ able-bodied actuality while abbreviating corruption.

With a ambition of creating a alive archetype of a trustless, autonomous babyminding system, the affected has affairs to aggrandize the activity into a fully-functioning arrangement that can be implemented in real-world scenarios.

Camp baton Brejcha said this abstraction stemmed from a admiration to actualize a “tentative solution” to accepted issues with acceptable governance, such as abridgement of transparency, accountability and corruption.

Brejcha said he chose to attempt in the hackathon “because of its focus on the Ethereum blockchain,” as able-bodied as its online nature.

With EtherCamp, Brejcha said, bodies can “form all-embracing teams,” which was abnormally important to him, adding, “there are not abounding blockchain experts locally” in his area.

These teams represent aloof a few of the 300-plus camps casting account for the competition. Additional hackathon account can be begin on the official EtherCamp website at hack.ether.camp/ideas.

This year’s hackathon bliss off on Nov. 17 and will run for bristles weeks with the acceptable affected accepting US $50,000.

 What are your admired hackathon account so far? Let us apperceive in the comments below

Images address of Pixabay, EtherCamp.

Note: Evan Faggart is an agent of the Vanbex Group, which provides accessible relations casework to EtherCamp.