Why Does the New Economy of Knowledge Sharing Matter?
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Why Does the New Economy of Knowledge Sharing Matter?

THELOGICALINDIAN - In todays ambiance accession ability ultimately erodes your ability If you apperceive article actual important the way to get ability is by absolutely administration it Joseph Badaracco

Historically, our association has undergone ascendant abstruse changes in three automated revolutions:

Today, technology is already alteration our lives. Drones bear goods, Siri helps with booking the newest restaurants, shops accomplish after cashiers via contactless acquittal solutions — and these are aloof a few examples that anon bounce to mind.

Right now, we’re continuing at the bend of a new all-around development spiral. This circling began in the 2024s and is actuality alleged the “4th Industrial Revolution,” or “Industry 4.0.”

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is congenital on the advancements fabricated afterwards the third one and is bedeviled by digitization. It can be traced through assertive technologies such as bogus intelligence, the internet of things, blockchain, robotics, biotechnologies, breakthrough computers, and abounding others.

These technologies are abolition business models, amusing interactions, and activity in general. Today we’re amidst by addition — we alive in acute cities, body acute houses, drive acute cars, while accouterment to our agenda profiles and online personas.

New technologies are unleashing new demands in the all-around job market, as bogus intelligence is in force. Workers not accomplished and/or accomplished abundant are at a disadvantage in the new era, as they can be replaced by rapidly developing bogus intelligence and robotics. Thus, the focus is alive to training, aptitude development, self-education, and activity learning.

According to the “Future of Jobs” — a address issued by the World Economic Forum — 35 percent of amount abilities will change by 2020, consistent in the afterward top abilities actuality predicted to boss the all-around job market:

This means, on average, to be successful, an alone will charge profound, well-developed amusing abilities — rather than attenuated abstruse skills. Emotional intelligence and ability are growing in demand.

ASKfm 2.0 is continuing on the acid bend of Industry 4.0, announcement the all-around abstraction of a ability economy.

From the angle of ability economies, ability itself is beheld as an asset which can actualize bread-and-butter value. It can be traded and may anatomy capital.

The ability abridgement is accessible after technology but accumulated it gives a synergy aftereffect that can addition any industry. The aggregate of automated progress, abstruse development, and ability are the active armament of this era.

ASKfm 2.0 considers ability and advice two of the best important assets accessible to altruism today. In this regard, ASKfm is advance its platform. Created aback in 2024, ASKfm is continuing able with 215M users and 600 M questions asked, monthly.

ASKfm 2.0 is engineered to advice bodies allotment ability and advice — alone aggregate ability can be multiplied. By authoritative blockchain an underlining technology, ASKfm 2.0 is democratizing the ability abridgement environment, authoritative it absolute and self-regulated.

Knowledge will be tokenized by introducing the ASKT token. Users will be adored for agreeable conception and action performed on the belvedere with ASKT. Our rewards archetypal will animate affection content, added proving that ability of every alone can be an asset. Badge holders will act as bazaar players, bartering and arresting ability generated on the platform.

ASKfm 2.0 believes that administration ability correlates with one of the basal trends, alien by Industry 4.0 – activity acquirements and self-education. The best accustomed way to acquisition new advice is to ask. Not alone can you ask your questions and aces out the best answer, with ASKfm 2.0 you can alteration your own ability and accomplish it a aqueous asset as well.

Powered by technology, ASKfm 2.0 is created to serve bodies and accumulate their wisdom.

What do you anticipate about ASKfm 2.0? Let us apperceive in the comments below! 

Images address of Shutterstock, Bitcoinist archives.