Chainspace Code Review: Sharded Smart Contracts

Chainspace Code Review: Sharded Smart Contracts


Chainspace is a belvedere for creating a broadcast web of blockchains that – like abounding afore it – seeks to actualize the Ultimate Answer To Life, The Universe, And Everything. (Or, as we accredit to it in crypto, Scalability, Speed, and Security.) In my cipher analysis I point out that it ability alike work.

I accept to admit, I’m excited. I admired their paper, I adulation their appear work, I absolutely adore the team. I’m actual aflame that I got my easily on the code.

“Sharded acute contracts, decentralized basement on a all-embracing scale. A broadcast web of blockchains for scalability, acceleration and privacy.”

No acknowledgment of a token, no TPS, no adventurous claims, aloof authentic developer focus.

Ok, they did say Linear scalability. Fine, I’ll decrease some points. Anyway, let’s jump in. I accept no abstraction what we are alike attractive at, is this BlockMania or S-BAC, I accept no idea.

There is a lot activity on, let’s alpha from the makefile, see what is built, and trace from there.

Usual suspect, ./cmd/chainspace/

So abounding toys, block blueprint interpreter, node, transactor, administer chainspace contracts, let’s alpha with node.

“Prototytpe” but it has a lot of account features, absurdity blockage and logs. This is activity to be annoyingly good, let’s achievement I’m wrong.

Broadcast service, top, transactor all attending interesting.

Connections from advertisement and transactor, interesting, is this a jumping push-pull model? I didn’t see annihilation about that in the BlockMania paper.

Topology map, absolutely charge to attending into this more. Network graphs are absurd for advertisement based systems, but they accord absolutely a bit of bead in / bead out aerial in permissionless networks.

Just absurd cipher so far.

Contacts, nodes, shardCount and size. I charge added data. Built in arrangement shards in the cartography already.

Using annoy for key amount storage, my accepted favorite.

Super affected code, abundant architectonics and structure.

Image and containers for contracts? Everything is accomplished in docker images. So no cocky hosted VM, that’s how they can accumulate the UTXO archetypal for BlockMania. Smart.

The BlockDAG, already sharded and congenital in quorums. Let’s attending for the advertisement and voting schemes.

So yeah, all of this is frustratingly good. I won’t be afraid if they already accept a testnet running.

These guys are rockstars.

Chainspace Code Review Conclusion:

I’m activity to accumulate activity through this, but it’s amazing. Probably the best I accept apparent yet. It’s elegant, it’s simplistic, and it has had a lot of adamantine assignment that has gone into it. By the way, it was S-BAC and BlockMania.

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Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing code reviews are performed by auditing what is on affectation in the adept annex of the repo’s fabricated available. This was performed as an educational analysis and any comments in the commodity are the assessment of the writer. It is accustomed for cipher to change rapidly, appropriately we timestamp our cipher reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information independent herein should not be acclimated as any animadversion or admonition on the activity as a whole.

Chainspace Code Review Timestamp: October 21st, 2024