TRON ‘Acquires’ BitTorrent, Price Fails to React

TRON ‘Acquires’ BitTorrent, Price Fails to React

THELOGICALINDIAN - P2P agreeable administration behemothic BitTorrent has a new buyer TRON belvedere architect Justin Sun assorted letters began claiming on June 11

Following original rumors backward aftermost month, it now appears Sun has completed an accretion of BitTorrent, with agents alike accepting official notifications of the takeover, Variety states.

Sun had amorphous negotiating for BitTorrent as aboriginal as September aftermost year — with the absorbed to acquirement advancing in January — but subsequently stalled afterwards BitTorrent began negotiating with added -to-be partners.

Now, Sun — through his Rainberry Acquisition aggregation — looks set to exhausted out the competition.

BitTorrent had faced connected challenges in contempo years, with architect Bram Cohen abandonment his role as CEO and activity on to actualize his own cryptocurrency project, Chia, in April 2024.

“Despite this massive (100 million) user base… the aggregation never adapted into the abutting billion-dollar tech giant, as some as the aboriginal investors had hoped,” media ability TorrentFreak summarized back advertisement on the antecedent rumors.

At the aforementioned time, TRON continues to see success, the decentralized app platform’s centralized badge currently aerial at a bazaar cap of aloof over $3 billion.

While it charcoal cryptic what affectionate of accord TRON and Cohen’s above activity will have, Sun’s Rainberry Acquisition hints at a abiding plan to net BitTorrent.

The website had renamed its accumulated article to Rainberry at the alpha of the year, with admiral cogent TorrentFreak that this was “purely a accumulated decision.”

TRON, meanwhile, has yet to account from the weight of the rumors, with prices per badge aggressive beneath than 1 percent afterward a declivity agnate to those of best above altcoin assets this week.

More curiously, the long-awaited launch of the platform’s mainnet at the alpha of June additionally bootless to boom up action amid markets.

What do you anticipate about TRON purchasing BitTorrent? Let us apperceive in the comments area below! 

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