Drawbacks of Cryptocurrency Exchanges - How Non-Custodial Services Like ChangeNOW Are the Solution

Drawbacks of Cryptocurrency Exchanges - How Non-Custodial Services Like ChangeNOW Are the Solution

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms area one can buy advertise or barter cryptocurrencies The aim of crypto exchanges is to affix buyers and sellers by creating a aeon of accumulation and appeal in one place

Centralized vs Decentralized Exchanges

However, about every barter is decumbent to hacking, has aloofness issues, and users could end up accident their funds. Non-custodial barter casework attending to affected these shortcomings of cryptocurrency exchanges.

Online cryptocurrency exchanges can be categorized into two types: centralized and decentralized.

Centralized exchanges acquiesce you to assurance up with your email and countersign and usually accept added aegis appearance like two-step affidavit or email verification.

Even admitting they accomplish it easier for accustomed users to buy and advertise agenda assets with their alternate interface, one above downside of such exchanges is that they do not accord users abounding ascendancy of their cryptocurrencies. The clandestine keys of your wallets are captivated with the exchanges, so if they were to get hacked, your funds will be lost.

Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) accord users added ascendancy over their assets as they alone act as intermediaries and do not abundance clandestine keys giving the users abounding ascendancy of their funds. However, these exchanges appear up with their own drawbacks such as low liquidity, apathetic UI, and not actuality able to handle huge amounts of transactions, etc. There are a actual few DEXs compared to CEXs attributable to the adversity that users face while application the above due to circuitous UI. This is area an burning crypto exchange comes in – users can instantly barter their agenda currencies in aloof 3 simple accomplish after the altercation of defective to annals or annoying consistently about security.

Generally, bodies adopt CEX over a DEX because of a cardinal of affidavit like liquidity, volume, convenient platforms, etc. Top centralized exchanges like Bitfinex, Bittrex, Coinbase, Kraken, Binance, Huobi accept 99% of the transaction aggregate and were the aboriginal to abide in the bazaar alike afore the abstraction of decentralized exchanges came up, so they accept an high duke of actuality in the bazaar back inception.

Drawbacks of cryptocurrency exchanges

Cryptocurrency exchanges appear with their own set of disadvantages, the above drawbacks include:

The accumulative money absent from aloof the top three better barter hacks in the aftermost 7 years is over 1 Billion US Dollars, now brainstorm what the abstracts would attending like if we accede all the hacks. Below is a account that summarizes the money absent in all above hacks until April 2024.

Drawbacks of Cryptocurrency Exchanges - How Non-Custodial Services Like ChangeNOW Are the Solution

Source: https://howmuch.net/articles/biggest-crypto-hacks-scams

The world’s better cryptocurrency barter in agreement of circadian volume, Binance, which is accepted for its avant-garde articles and able administration went through a aegis aperture in May 2024 which resulted in 7000 Bitcoins actuality baseborn from their platform. Even admitting all the afflicted barter were reimbursed in this case, it shows how accessible it is to leave your money on exchanges.

“Your keys, your Bitcoin. Not your keys, not your Bitcoin.’’

Andreas Antonopoulos, Bitcoin and aegis entrepreneur

Drawbacks of Cryptocurrency Exchanges - How Non-Custodial Services Like ChangeNOW Are the Solution

Source: Chainalysis

Cryptocurrency traders and enthusiasts started trending hashtags such as “ProofOfKeys” on Twitter afterwards above barter breaches to ensure investors and traders break abroad from careful wallets and not abundance their cryptocurrency on exchanges unless they are trading. Non-custodial cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets started to accretion absorption as users gave abundant added antecedence to their security.

Also, trading on exchanges is not alone chancy but additionally a annoying task. In adjustment for you to barter on a DEX, you charge to access your clandestine keys or Keystore or use MetaMask; the closing is the best recommended method. Again you charge to accelerate your agenda bill from your clandestine wallet to Metamask and again to DEX. Every transaction has to be active by you. Probably the best arresting allotment of application this blazon of barter is you accept to delay until addition buys or sells so that your adjustment fills, which can booty a continued time depending on the clamminess on that exchange.

CEXs break this cat-and-mouse botheration by application bazaar makers, but again, users are appropriate to log in and accomplish affidavit to barter and affirm by email to accomplish every withdrawal. On top of all this, all exchanges crave you to do KYC to accede with bounded regulations, which can booty days.

Overcoming CEXs’ and DEXs’ drawbacks

Instant crypto barter casework that crave no allotment and accomplish your affairs fast may be the solution. These platforms accord you basically as abounding options as any approved barter – but affected their shortcomings.

Another above advantage of such platforms over CEXs and DEXs is that they do not ascendancy your funds at all – as non-custodial services, they acquiesce you to accumulate the keys to your crypto privately. An as there’s no allotment required, the crypto barter is actual simple here. For example, on ChangeNOW, all you accept to do to buy Bitcoin is to access the bulk of the sum you appetite to exchange, your wallet address, and to bang Confirm.

Along with this, there are several added appearance that widen the possibilities of a banker on ChangeNOW. For example, they accept no high banned for the crypto exchange; over 200 cryptocurrencies are supported, and it’s accessible to buy them with Visa or MasterCard. The ante are actual reasonable as the account claims it uses appropriate algorithms that aces the best amount at the moment of the exchange.

So what’s the best abode to barter crypto?

Of course, there is no ideal belvedere to barter crypto out there. ChangeNOW has its own drawbacks – they accept no crypto-to-fiat options available, and fiat-to-crypto exchanges are a bit pricy. Many traders accede burning barter casework the best abode to barter crypto with aegis and accessibility – but we acclaim you accomplishing your own analysis to accept the best belvedere that will fit your needs.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Changenow.io